Sunday, August 6, 2017

Maris at 3!

It is time to stop trying to catch up and record life right now!  Maris is 3 and she is hilarious.  I want to get better at writing down more of the funny things she says and does.  So here are a few things:
- She likes to talk in a conspiratorial whisper.
- She loves to do puzzles.
- She loves to watch Dora the Explorer and loudly answer all of her questions.
- She has been trying to make up treasure hunts lately.  The other day she asked Katelyn to come do her treasure hunt.  Katelyn went down stairs and saw a bunch of little pieces of paper sitting all over the room.  Maris picked up a random piece of paper from the table and said "this is the first clue!" Katelyn asked, "what does it say?" Maris said "it says 'couch'." So they picked a piece of paper from the couch and katelyn asked "what is this clue?" and Maris said "I don't know what it says, it can say what you want it to say" So Katelyn picked another spot where she saw a "clue" lying.  This went on for a while until all the papers were gone, and finally on the last one Maris said "it says "there's no more clues'." and she got out an applesauce and a fruit strip for Katelyn's "treasure". Haha.
- she comes up with funny insults such as "you kicky little weird!"
- she loves to talk to Emma. It is so cute.  She calls her "little cutie pie Emma" in this cute little voice.  If someone else is talking to Emma, Maris will squeeze in between so Emma will see HER instead.
- She LOVES to run.  She can run fast and far, and regularly runs a mile with only a few breaks riding in the stroller.  It's so cute to see her little bouncy blond ponytail going along!  When the kids ride their bikes and I run with the stroller, she keeps wanting to get out and run and try to keep up with them, and she gets so disappointed when they get ahead of her. :)


Maris' birthday back in June was a fun day with cousins, parks, splash pad, presents, a Minnie Mouse cake, and Sonic slushes. 

Doing the Hokey Pokey, one of our favorite silly activities!

 Also, Maris has had a lot of cousin time lately and she loves her cousins!  Jenna is her favorite but she loves them all, it's so cute, she calls them her "friends".

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