Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Big Kid Owen

Over the summer, and especially the last 2 months since school started, Owen has really turned into a big kid!!  He still has an occasional toddler tantrum moment and he can be super emotional when he is tired/hungry/around Whitney, but let's be real, aren't we all? All of those things? lol.  
A few of the signs he is really growing up: 
1. Overcoming fears.  Or at least starting to!  
He is getting more comfortable in the water!  He will voluntarily put his face in, and loves to swim with floaties on.  He even went off the diving board at Oakridge!

 He is not afraid of little kid rides any more, or of doing things by himself ( like going on rides)
 He is enjoying fireworks more!
 He finally agreed to ride on the tube when we went boating!  ( I did bribe him with money the first time haha, but then he went a bunch of times and loved it and asked to go faster!)

2. Another big indicator that he is growing up is HE STOPPED SUCKING HIS THUMB!!!!! All by himself!!!  We had been talking to him in the Spring about how big kids don't suck their thumbs, and he agreed to let us remind him to stop if we ever saw him sucking his thumb while watching TV, playing, driving, just randomly, etc.  We would say "Owen, thumb." and he would pull it out.  We weren't strict about it, and I never said anything about it if he was upset or crying and started sucking.  And it never had an official "beginning"; us reminding him was kind of sporatic.  Then suddenly one day I noticed him start to put his thumb in his mouth and then suddenly take it out, and I realized I hadn't seen him sucking his thumb in a few days!  I mentioned that to him and told him I was impressed, and he said "yeah I've been really trying not to suck it anymore." So awesome! I told him I was SO proud of him and that was a really big accomplishment to break that habit!  I was excited to see him want something and go for it!  It's super cool I don't even see him sucking him thumb in his sleep when I check on him at night anymore.  Such a relief that we didn't have to try to force him to stop when he's older, whew!!
3. He has been SO helpful to me the last 2 months with my morning sickness!!  But I'm planning a Morning Sickness Survival post, so I will go into more detail there.  Suffice it to say, Owen is growing up and I am super proud of him.

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