Friday, December 4, 2015

little moments.this is our life.

that one time when all the kids took a bath together...That one and only time!
I told the kids that if we made the first day of Fall Break a Super Fall Cleaning Day and got a huge list of projects done, then the next day could be Super Fun Day, with no chores.  Only fun.  And they did great!!  they all worked super hard for about 2 hours, then we took a break, then during Owen and Maris' nap time the girls worked for 2 more hours and we were done.  I felt like little cleaning fairies had descended on my house!   
I love kisses from my Maris!
And apparently we take a lot of selfies!
that one time when Owen wrestled a box for at least half an hour!  #boysarefunny!  And cute.  The best part may have been his theme music all the way through!
I (finally) got a haircut!  
Before front:
before back, check out my birthmark blond streak!
After: not too much shorter, but I LOVE LOVE the layers!  thanks to my awesome friend Sara Olson in Santaquin.

that one time they were all playing nicely together for like an hour... yes that ONE single time!
Katie made this super cute Scrabble board so I took a picture before I made her clean it up. :)
Maris is my 4th child to sleep comfortably in this awesome stroller!  9.5 years of use and it is going strong!  I sent this picture to the girl (Katherine Chipman) who organized my baby shower with the Provo Track Team.  Pretty sure her parents paid for most of it, so kind!!
Okay this one's crazy.  My friend Becki Rogers (now Lee) from high school-- water polo star, top 10 with me, tons of honors classes together, Senior Ditch Day and Grad Night Disneyland buddy Becki, who I haven't seen and barely had contact with since, (15 years!) came to stay with us for a couple of days!
Her husband dredges for Gold in the Bering Sea in the summers, so they are spending this winter touring the U.S. with their camping trailer and their 2-year-old daughter Amber.  Crazy and awesome!
It was a little awkward, especially for Eric obviously, but he was very gracious and overall it was a good time!  I took Becki and Amber to the Grotto one of the days.
Love these little cuties!

It was Maris' first hike not in the backpack, and she LOVED it and walked the whole way!
Becki's husband Andrew showed us some of his gold- I am holding thousands of dollars in my hands!!
That one time when Owen rode his bike around the van literally 27 times!  I think it was raining or windy outside so he wanted to stay in the garage, hilarious!
Poor kid with too many sisters rides a pink bike, at least until Christmas!!
One time the girls painted their nails and Maris wanted hers done too. :) 
I couldn't believe she held still long enough and let me do it!  And she kept saying "pitty" for pretty, so cute.
being silly one day.
use #145 for the pizza cutter...
I told you we take a lot of selfies!
Cold weather has brought the return of various horses/cows to graze on the field behind us, and the kids love to watch them! (or occasionally feed and pet them over the fence!)
Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE running on leaf-strewn paths??  The crunch and the smell take me right back to California fall and Cross Country.  This is the Spanish Fork River Trail, my favorite place to run here!
Took the kids to see Beauty and the Beast (Eric was on a campout).  Kate and Whitney loved it!  Owen and Maris loved the first 5 minutes. :)  And Owen's face is awesome.  And Whitney was in a bad mood hence she is not pictured.

Spidergirl, spidergirl, the amazing spidergirl.... Maris loves to wear this hat and run around!  I could not get a good picture of her because she would not stop moving!
until it was dinnertime.  She wears this all the time haha.
and the little cute-face has started to love coloring!  She can say "coloh" for color and proudly shows me her pictures!  She is getting so big.

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