Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Every Day.

So a few weeks ago I was feeling inspired by my cousin Kendra's daily vlogging and I wanted to document some of our normal, daily routine.  So I took a bunch of pictures and videos over the course of 2 days....and then this whole moving thing came up and I haven't had a chance to put it together into an awesome post like I was hoping.  BUT I'm so grateful that I followed that urge (prompting?) to record things because now we have lots of footage of our current house and life that we can look back on, and I have one less thing to worry about with this move!  Cool.  SO here are the pictures I took.
Maris loves the bath!
 Owen looking at books
 Owen playing his drum--one in a line of several instruments with which he performs daily concerts!
 Playing Zingo-- with all the cards!
 nursing Maris- for hours every day!
 A few minutes of cuddles before I put her down and get something done.
 Maris can often be found in her chair in the kitchen playing with a toy!
 Guitar practice- I try to do it daily!  (Owen took this one!)
 Bike ride for FHE activity. I stayed home and fed Maris.
 FHE treat. One of the MANY MANY meals that has been eaten at this counter!
 Down dog. Me and Eric are doing PiYo 4 times a week.
 snack time at the counter!
 Playing with Uncle Kurtis at Whitney's soccer game.
 selfie!  Owen is always asking to take a picture of something.
 snuggling during General Conference.
 Sleeping during General Conference.
 A couple random pics of Maris from my cell phone...

 Owen with a gourmet grape feast courtesy of Grandpa good!!!!
 Maris' first time squirming sideways in her crib.
 classic- we ran to the park and had a picnic.
 Owen currently LOVES to draw roads and train tracks all over the driveway and spend an hour driving his cars and trains on them.
 This kid is REALLY good at using scissors for a 2-year-old-- kind of scary!
 Mom and Maris selfies. She's smiling at her own cute face on my phone!

 Wanted to make sure I hadn't forgotten these, from the Father-son campout

 And katelyn and her friend Allison. They were baptized on the same day.

1 comment:

  1. so fun to have that documentation! it will be cherished in the years to come!
