Monday, June 10, 2013

Our summer so far!!

So... it's weird that CA schools just barely got out, because I feel like we've been in full-swing summer for a while now!!  
Here are a bunch of random pictures I hadn't blogged about yet. 
katelyn's field day at school- Kate and Danny (Heaps)!  They are twins in so many ways.  And they run around holding hands.  So cute.
 The huge slide!
 Shae Robinson, Katelyn, and Ethan Bascom in the gunny-sack race!
 resting in her gunny sack :)

 Last day of school!  (Still cold in the mornings!)
 And here's what me and Owen and Whitney used to do every day- hang out together, read books...

and now here's what we do: all 3 kids play outside all day long!
 Story:  We replaced a doorknob, and Owen spent at least 20 minutes playing with the old one.  Taking it apart and trying to put it back together! 
 Look mom!  a cool piece of metal!
 I made the girls each a pair of shorts out of a pair of pants my great-grandma had given me last time we saw her. She challenged me to make something out of them- of course I'm up for that!!
 I made shoes for my new nephew Ryder!  Katrina's adorable new baby boy.  They're fake Sanuks- modeled after Eric's favorite shoes. :)
 I got to see Kristi!! She was in town with her 2 youngest kids for a few days, so I drove up to her parents' house and we hung out for a couple of hours.  It was so great to see her and talk like we'd never been apart. 
 My instagram pictures are coming out weird, but anyway...
I've run to the Payson temple a couple of times now, it's 10.5 miles or 9.6 miles round trip depending on which way you take, and it's a beautiful run through fields and orchards!  Love it.  And I love that I live close enough to a temple to run to it!  And I'm so happy to be able to run that far. 
 Bike rides!  Owen begs for them daily.

 Homemade popcicles- blended up fruit and yogurt- yum yum!  But very messy... in this picture Owen is saying "a mess! a mess!"  He says that whenever he gets messy with food- on him or on the floor.  He's so cute.
 Great way to get the kids to eat fruit- and vegetables!  (there's a spinach and banana layer-we made rainbow ones)
 One day the girls gave Owen rides around the backyard
 Owen loves to play on (and push) this car up and down the street (supervised closely by me of course!  He's not allowed in the front yard without me or Eric.)
 Hiking in Santaquin canyon- he walked quite a bit!  Doesn't it look like he's just taking a little stroll?
 We loved throwing rocks into the stream
Owen got tired and only wanted ME to carry him.
 The girls liked hiking in their stylin' hats- it was actually helpful to be able to spot Whitney from far away!
 Whitney and Eric went on a date- I love how happy she is in this picture!!  
 And Owen loves the hose of course.  
Summer, oh how I love summer!!


  1. they are all so OLD!!! i wish i could live with you and Katrina for the summer so i can be best friends with your kiddos! miss them!

  2. Looks like fun so far! I love summer because of the freedom from the usual schedule restrictions. Just having a blast and spending your days outside with water and popsicles. Love it!
