Monday, June 24, 2013

Jedi Party 2.0

It was so fun to have ANOTHER Star Wars Party at our house, this time for Katelyn's 7th Birthday!  
She chose a few different things than Whitney, which was fun.  
We started with the Jedi Training Academy- each child got a Jedi vest (Whit and Kate had robes), a light saber, and an Academy Badge.  We did have one friend dress up as Return of the Jedi Luke and one as Leia, so cute!  So this is Aaron, David, Emberlyn, Katelyn, Adalie, Chloe, Whitney, and Hayden.  Not pictured are Danny and Allison, who came a little late.
 After practicing their light saber moves for a while, Darth Vader showed up to fight them!
 Sadly Jedi Katelyn was injured in the fight, but eventually Darth Vader was overcome.
 Next the kids (in teams) had to free Luke and Han Solo from their icy "carbonite" prisons so they could stand on the birthday cake!  Here are David and Aaron doing their best.
 And Whitney!
 checking to make sure all the ice was gone
 Then we had an obstacle course!  katelyn helped create it, so she was the fastest to finish it!
 Danny doing our favorite part of the course- jumping over the "lake of Lava!"
 The last Jedi Challenge was a "Jedi Mission" (treasure hunt) to find the pinata that Darth Vader hid as he was leaving.  The clues were tied into Star Wars trivia, such as "What food did Leia share with the ewok?" or "What character says 'I suggest a new strategy. Let the Wookie win!' Find a game on the shelf that starts with the same letter as that character."  It was funny because only one other kid besides my girls knew the answers!  
 Once the Death Star was found, it had to be destroyed!  Here is Chloe (Leia) working on it-
 And Katelyn doing her best...
 And finally Eric ripping open my way-too-strong homemade pinata!
 Gathering the spoils
 My big 7-year-old with her CHOCOLATE cake!
 The Millenium Falcon sitting on a chocolate lava mountain!

 opening presents from her cute friends- they all know her well and got her such cute things.

 And relaxing later that night with some of their presents!
We all had fun and were so happy that Owen slept through the whole party. :)

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