Sunday, February 26, 2012

owen at one month- already!

Here are some stats for Owen at one month old:
11 pounds 11ounces- he has really gained weight quickly! He's a growing boy! It's funny because all of a sudden about a week ago Eric and I were commenting that he seemed to be gaining a pound a day, he was really filling out. And we weren't too far from the truth! :)

Favorite things to do: besides eating and sleeping obviously, he loves it when Dad plays pat-a-cake with him, like he's actually visibly excited, it's so cute. He calms down and listens whenever Whitney sings to him, he's done that from birth actually, it's kind of amazing and really sweet. It makes Whitney feel really good! He likes to watch/listen to Katelyn and Whitney play- I'm sure that trend will continue for many months until he can actually join them!

His arm movements have become a little more focused, like he's trying to reach for things, it's cute. Not sure if I can count any of his smiles as "real" smiles yet, but they are my favorite thing ever. In general he's a pretty chill kid, he's sweet. He likes to be held but does pretty well sitting in his chair occasionally for me to get something done.

One funny thing- One of Katelyn and Whitney's favorite things to do for Owen is to pick out his clothes! Typical girls, right? But they love it and fight over the privilege if I'm not careful.

Oh and a funny story. About a week ago Whitney was holding Owen and asked if she could hold him standing up. So I helped her do that, and then she wanted to carry him. Katelyn volunteered to help and before I could find a nice way to say no or distract them from this activity, here the 3 of us were, all trying to carry Owen up the stairs! I started laughing hysterically, Eric was just staring at us like "you're crazy"/"Owen's not going to survive this", Owen was looking up at me quizzically like "what are you silly girls trying to do?", Whitney was grunting with the effort of trying to carry her huge brother, and I think Katelyn started giggling because I was laughing. We made it all the way up the stairs, all of us supporting him somehow, and Owen didn't even cry in his awkward position- like I said he just had this confused look on his face. It was a really funny family moment. :)

Now here are a few pictures.

His second time outside. Did I have a baby in January? Yes I did. I did not think he would be seeing the backyard for at least 3 months, but this has been the mildest winter ever!
My 3 kids!
First family pic at a terrible angle for me!
SO CUTE, father and son!
I love my baby. Got to enjoy him while he's little!
With Grammy- so glad she could come stay with us for 5 days and take care of everything!! We love you.
With Uncle Jonathan, fresh off his mission! Such a cute Uncle. I caught him a couple of times holding Owen and singing to him softly, so sweet.
I was holding him while he was half-awake, and looked down to see this cute face.
Just a cute view.
A very awake and interested face!
So cute and little in his car seat- thankfully he doesn't totally hate it, because he has to be in it a couple of times a day as we take the girls here and there!
Okay, apparently I hold him a lot and think he's cute while I'm holding him so I want to take a picture.
Katelyn reading to Owen (and Whitney)- one of her new favorite pastimes!
Sadly our cutie's soft cheeks have turned into this red, crusty nightmare over that last week and a half. So sad, I almost can't remember what it felt like to kiss the smooth cheeks! He's got medicine now, but it won't be cleared up for at least a couple of weeks, poor guy.
My chubby little acne faced baby doing some tummy time- check out those cute new wrist rolls!
So his month has ended kind of sadly with acne-turned-impetigo, but he's such a sweet boy and we are so grateful to have him. He's a part of our family forever. We love him and can't wait to see what the next month will bring.


  1. thanks for the update =o] and you are right that crazy acne is so sad! glad you got some meds for him. we CAN'T WAIT to see you soon!!!

  2. Love love love the pictures! Especially of the girls with Owen. Glad you're enjoying a new little one.

  3. poor owen!!! but he is still adorable!!!! i want to hold him he is just so cute!!!!

  4. what a cute little fella! does he have eczema? or is the impetigo from something else? sophie got impetigo when she was about 4 months old from scratching all the time at her itchy skin and it go infected. hopefully he'll be feeling better soon with the medicine!

  5. Rebecca, Great Pictures and stories/commentary, I loved them. Katelyn reading to Owen was our favorite (it looks as if he was really paying attention). Thank you for all that you do. - Jamie
