Saturday, February 4, 2012

Highlights of Owen's first week home

first time sleeping in his crib
blurry pic of his big ol' Murray big toe!
pondering deeply :)
His awake chillin' face
just cute
Whitney is LOVING being a big sister! She will do anything for him and always asks to hold him or see him if I'm holding him. She's also really good at singing him songs.
After his first bath at home!
I tried to take a picture of him on the boppy like I took of the girls at about 4 days old.
love it when he holds his hands up by his face
With his cousin Lydia, who we used to think was so little! She's 6 months old.
a little half-awake smirk
playing with mom and Whitney
sleepy big smile! We love this face!
I tried to take some artistic pics on a black sheet, but he was hungry and the light was bad.

Wrestling with Whitney and Dad!
We're having so much fun with our little boy and it's still 4 days until my due date, haha!


  1. Cute, cute, cute, cute!!!! I love all of the photos. :) Thanks for posting an update. I hope that you are doing well! All of these pictures make me SO excited for our own baby to arrive(and a little jealous too!). Congrats again and again!!!! He's adorable. And Owen is a great name. Good pick.

  2. He is such an adorable little guy! Congrats again to your family. That sleepy smile picture is to die for. Newborns are so precious! I hope all of you are enjoying all of the new baby cuddles. Your girls are so cute as big sisters. And I hope that you are getting some rest!

  3. Cutest little grandson ever!! Can't wait to see him in a couple of weeks. I love his smile. Take care of yourself Rebecca!

  4. so cool! i LOVE the huge sleepy smile one! you should use that on his announcement or put it on the wall or something! i can't wait to show all these pictures to the kids tomorrow! congratulations!!
