Monday, December 6, 2010


So my sister Allison invited my whole family over for Thanksgiving this year, she is brave and awesome. We had so much fun spending 3 whole days together in her house in sunny Southern California! It was so funny, when we got off the freeway in her town there were flowers growing by the side of the road and they looked so pretty- I realized I hadn't see flowers growing in almost a month!
Anyway, we did SO many fun things and the girls had a blast with everyone. The food was great (all of the meals!) and we got to play lots of games and watch lots of great basketball and lots of heartbreaking football. We spent time outside each day enjoying the blessed sunshine. We siblings and spouses went to see Harry Potter 7 while Grammy and Grandpa Jamie watched the kids! It was a great vacation.
Here's Katelyn gobbling up apple peels while Jenae, Katrina and Phillip peeled apples for pies.
Here's Whitney and Eric "playing badminton"- Whitney got SO excited each time they hit the ball- I mean the shuttlecock? Badminton is Donny's new favorite sport and Eric took a badminton class at BYU and loved it, so he was really excited that Donny brought his net!
While others had turns playing, the girls had races around the court.
We also went to the beach! Here's Katelyn with her cute name.
Whitney loved the waves of course!
The young ones- Jenae, Natalie, Whitney and Katelyn got in the water. Us wise older folk did not.
Oh and these young ones braved the waves too a little- Donny, Melissa, and Phillip!
We also found a cute short tree, like Whitney. The Whitney tree.
And a tall skinny tree. The Katelyn tree.
And that's all my pictures. Thank you again to the MacKays for hosting!


  1. thanks for coming and seriously come back anytime. you and eric should do a romantic getaway and we can babysit! =o] natalie misses her cousins!

  2. What a fun Thanksgiving! Those beach pictures are great.
