Monday, December 6, 2010

last fall pics

Since we have had snow on the ground for a couple of weeks now, I thought I'd finally post the last of our fall pictures. Here are the girls in the leaf pile!
and Whitney totally buried
and the girls burying Eric :)
Oh and here's my latest hobby- making fabric flowers with layers of silky cloth with melted edges! So fun. I've made hair clips, necklaces, and flowers to pin on shirts. Here's a couple of my favorites.
and my new work-in-progress fun hairstyle.


  1. super cute pictures, and super cute hair

  2. Like the hair! And the flowers are really cool. Loved talking to you today!!

  3. you are beautiful and oh so talented! thanks for bringing the stuff so we could be trendy with you =o]

  4. Cute! I love the flowers you made! I can't ever seem to pull off trendy stuff like that but you look great.

  5. Cute flowers and hair! Deanne had a flower craft when I was home last week--fun stuff!
