Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas traditions and fun

Here's a peek at our December fun, not necessarily in order...

Whitney at the height of our snow this week! Eric was pretending to fall off the deck and Whitney went to save him.... and stepped right off and sunk right in up to her armpits! Later I was making a maze with the girls and snow was up to my thighs in some spots!
Whitney making her gingerbread house in what I like to call "jonathan style"- after my brother who used to just pile as much candy as possible on his plate!
Katelyn pointing to the smiley face on her creative house!

okay this was hilarious. playing Santa and his reindeer.
we had fun seeing the lights at Salem pond

Then we had a bunch of snow this week- this was on the beginning of the first day when we only had a few inches. We ended up with at least 2 feet! Here are the girls trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues.
We made a ramp again going down from our deck- perfect for little sledders. Oh and Whitney threw the snowball in her hand at Kate right after I took this picture!
making snow angels...
and acting out the Christmas story. This is the camel and the 2 wise men/astronauts. :) And yes I had just gave Eric a haircut. a buzz. the only thing he'll let me do to his hair. :)
good times.

1 comment:

  1. the best picture is of "santa and his reindeer!!" so cute!
