Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Love those red rocks

We camped in Goblin Valley last weekend! And drank LOTS of water. It was SO fun. The rocks were a perfect playground for the girls!
Here's Katelyn right after we got out of the car at our campsite.
We immediately went to hike/play in the "Valley of the Goblins".

Our cool shadow pics!

Whitney said this was her little "bed"

Eric was climbing and jumping all over the place! I wonder where Whitney gets it from??
family pic from the valley overlook
so cute chillin by the campfire eating watermelon
The girls played on the rocks by our campsite for a couple of hours the next morning.

Then we drove to Capitol Reef and went wading in the Fremont River
Eric climbed to the top of the waterfall of course, and took each of the girls up there too, they loved it!
We made the mistake of trying to go on too many short hikes. The girls almost didn't survive this one, to the natural arch behind my head. It was cool, but not worth the seven times Whitney sat down on the trail and refused to move another inch, even if carried. She was too hot and tired! Poor girl. Kate started running on the way down, just to get done faster. Definitely gets that from me. Walking is just too slow sometimes!
Overall, an awesome vacation!!


  1. So cool! how far away is that? and your girls are getting so big!

  2. wish I could have been a mouse in your pocket
