Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our second sibling wedding of the summer!

August 20th was Elizabeth's wedding! Sadly I realized I don't have a picture of just the bride and groom, but they were stunning! We love KJ and think he and Elizabeth are perfect for each other. Their wedding day was great fun! Here we are waiting for them to come out of the temple:
The girls were being so cute and pose-ey, I couldn't resist taking like 25 pictures of them! Here are 3 favorites.

Our family in the wind! It started pouring rain like 10 minutes later!
The girls with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Cortnee, we had so much fun hanging out with them that day, and searching the underground parking maze for their car. Right before they got a flat tire. :) SO glad they flew out from NY though!
The growing Murray fam! I REALLY need one of these from the photographer....
I love this picture. And the boys modeling their short, medium and long hair styles.
This is how Whitney felt about photo shoots by this point.
flower girls!
Kate and Whitney got to help decorate the newlyweds' car! They were THRILLED to be ALLOWED to draw on the windows with special markers and put oreos on the car!

And the girls danced the night away to the live band! So fun! While I chatted with all of Eric's awesome aunts and cousins, they are so fun, I just love them.

with their so cute second cousin Allie, partying it up!
And then we ate some cake and went home and went to bed. Good times!! Congrats KJ and Liz!


  1. I love these pictures:) i'm going to use one in my picture frame, the hard thing is just choosing which one!!!

  2. oh my gosh you guys look so beautiful and happy and i'm so excited to see you soon!! ps, how alike were you and elizabeth's wedding dresses?

  3. I agree! with katrina how do i choose? can you send me some in an email, so the quality is good for printing? you are all so beautiful!

  4. I need a hard copy of that picture above the car ones. With the two girls and their flowers. I LOVE IT!!!
