Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving at the Harveys!

New Christmas dresses and tights from The Children's Place: $13.75
A matinee movie ticket for New Moon: $6.00
babysitters for 5 children: free (husbands)
A fun Black Friday morning with your BFF: Priceless :)

So here are my deal dresses:
I am in love with these dresses, especially because they were so cheap. Even though the girls blend in with the tree. And I had them wear them today even though it's still November.
So we went to the Harveys' for Thanksgiving!! SO fun. Here was our feast (we didn't wake Whitney up from her nap for the meal...)
The kids got along GREAT, they ran around and played all day for two days with almost zero arguments, pretty amazing. Here's Kate and Matt helping decorate the Christmas tree!
4 of the 5 kids, can you tell they're watching a Frosty the Snowman DVD? Kristi got a picture of all 5 of them.
Look for a future wedding announcement photo similar to this next one. James is a year and a half older than Katelyn, but they had so much fun together. She also loved Matt, who's closer in age to her, she thought he was so funny. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of her and Matthias playing tiger and lion, costumes and all. The boys also taught Katelyn a lot about playing Pirates and bandits. So cute.
Whitney and Hannah became friends- mostly they enjoyed looking at each other, and Whitney liked to pat Hannah's head. She loved the boys, saying "boh" all the time for boy and "bebe" for Hannah. The boys played with Whitney a lot too, one time it was so cute I saw James bending down to Whitney and saying "do you want to be on my side?"
Obviously we adults had a good time too-- me and Kristi's Friday excursion, lots of game playing and talking... And the drive was so much shorter than California. Thanks for a great trip Harvey Family!


  1. what a great time! glad you had such a blast! it must be so cool to have your husbands be best friends too- it totally seals the BFF deal =o] and now your kids are bonding like cousins or family members of a different kind maybe someday =o]

  2. How much fun! Looks like good food, and what cute kids.

  3. I always forget you went private! Love all the recent (and not so recent) blog posts! We need to get together again soon.
