Thursday, November 12, 2009

Indian Summer Heaven

Dear Indian Summer,
Thank you, thank you, for coming into my life these past two weeks! I was overjoyed at your arrival and I have loved every minute of our time together. I have definitely fallen in love with you, and we have created so many precious memories! Like a beautiful Halloween evening to trick-or-treat in. Many occasions of running in only a t-shirt and shorts with you by my side. Walking barefoot in the leaves. Picnics and playing basketball and tag at the park. And that wonderful surprise you gave me, a 65-degree evening on Happy Murray Day so we could do our family Olympics after Eric came home-OUTSIDE, in the dark, in November, I will always cherish the memories of that night! You have warmed me inside and out, dear Indian Summer. I know you have to go now, but I am not sad, because you have given me enough warmth to last me through the cold winter ahead. I do not know when we will meet again, but until then, I hold a special place for you in my heart.
Love always,


  1. beautiful! see you should be a writer. It is cold and rainy today here. time to bake and warm up the house!

  2. I wish your warm weather could stay. I want to add you to our blog list, but I don't have your email. Send it to me, please!
