Friday, September 4, 2009

Bear Lake post- finally!

A couple of weeks ago we went to Bear Lake with Eric's family! We all stayed in a sweet cabin and spent a lot of time on the boat. It was so fun and very relaxing. Here are a bunch of pictures of us on the boat.
Eric trying to help me stand up while riding the tube-- he fell off one second after this was taken :)
Whitney fell asleep while we were out on the tube!
Eric thinks he's so cool, I wanted to only go "medium" speed so he was like " oh I can ride with no hands, this is easy" :)
The girls before Whitney fell asleep. Katelyn tolerated the boat, but she would rather be on dry land!
us again
family pic right after we left the marina
brothers :)
Eric and his dad- this is the only picture I have of Brad from this trip- I'm sad I didn't get one of him reading stories to Katelyn several times!
Ryan and Cortnee! The girls and I never actually rode on the boat with them, there's too many of us so we took turns! But I hear Cortnee's a pretty good slalom skier...
Elizabeth and Eric
Whitney went for a little ride!
And again, Kate decided to stay on the boat and snuggle with Dad.
Whitney sleeping again, the boat was a good rocker for her!
We love Eric's sweet farmer's tan in this and the above picture! Nothin' like building a deck to give you one of those!
And here's the big news- I waterskiied for the first time! Woo-hoo! It only took me 4 tries to get up, or maybe 5... but it was really cool and now I can say I did it. Scary, but cool. I think Eric was proud of me too. Since he's such a stud, see below...
Eric likes to do 360's on the knee board, it's a pretty cool trick.
Mary got these pictures of him - she's a good action photographer. :)
This one's my favorite, mid-turn. Cute.

We did do other things besides go out on the boat while we were there! Here we are at the beach:

The girls love sand!!
Kurtis built a sweet sand castle out on an island. :)
We had a fire and made smores!

Whitney loved trying to stick the marshmellow in the fire; Kate just wanted to eat smores, not make them.
Grandma Mary brought lots of CUTE FUN crafts for the girls to do- here is Katelyn making a necklace. She made one for each family member and we all wore them with pride. For one night. It was cute.

Whitney wearing her necklace and taking apart a doorknob hanger she had made.
she's saying "oooh"
We had a couple of delicious famous Bear Lake raspberry shakes! Whitney refused to let me help her eat some and so she made a huge MESS feeding herself.
And the girls loved it that there were bears everywhere!!

riding one

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such a great trip!!!


  1. What a fun trip! It looks like you all had so much fun! How exciting!

  2. whitney is so grown up! looks like you had a blast! can't wait to see you next week! =o] what do you want to do? i was thinking we should try the picnic in the woods again...

  3. Looks like you guys had a great time. You have such a cute family. So many crazy things have happened since that freshman year at BYU, huh? I love Bear Lake, my dad grew up there in St Charles so we spent a lot of time there visiting my grandparents. Anyway, fun pics. I'd like to keep blog-stalking once you go private. :)

  4. what an amazingly fun trip1 thanks for posting all the photos. I love the ones of you and Eric on the "raft" thing. so cute! thanks Mary for taking great pictures!
