Monday, May 4, 2009

reflections on a year

My beautiful baby is one today.  What a joy she has been to us!  I remember from the day she was born she brought me peace, I would just hold my sweet baby and everything was right.  She has always been super attached to me, my little buddy.  She just wants to be held, and I love it.  So here's a few of my favorite most endearing things about Whitney right now.

She'll give me a kiss at the most random times, and I'm like "oh, baby, I love you too!"
She laughs and laughs at Katelyn and follows her around and can kind of say her name, she calls her "sih-tuh" for sister
When Eric or I play with her tickling or wrestling or something and we pause for a minute, she'll sign "more" (I have a video I need to post)
She's just always smiling and holding things up to show me and she LOVES being outside more than anything!

I love my Whitney Mae and an SO GRATEFUL that she came to our family when she did.  She has blessed our home with her sweet spirit.  I am excited to keep watching her grow up!


  1. So sweet! Happy first birthday to your cute girl!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little angel!

  3. Hey Rebecca! I was just wondering around from Blog to Blog (Blog Stalking) and found yours! Your little family is so cute! And you look totally awesome! I love your hair! I just wanted to say hi!
    Kassie Humann (Barnes)
