Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A real woman

Saturday I did something I've never done before- I made real bread all by my self! Yes, I know it's lame that I'm 26 years old, have been married for almost 5 years, and have two children, and I have never before completed this ritual of womanhood. I cook and bake constantly, yet I had never experienced the awesomeness of kneading dough, and I LOVED it! It just felt so natural, I felt like I was connected to the generations of women who have gone before me, who spent their days in the service of their families, making delicious basic foods to not only fill their stomachs but warm their souls :) I really was surprised at how much I enjoyed it and how great it made me feel! Not to mention the fact that it was EASY! Next time I'm buying wheat flour and looking for a more flavorful recipe, but this stuff was still delicious fresh out of the oven, it was fun to watch Eric and Katelyn scarf down several pieces! Yay for bread.

Also this weekend I made chocolate chip cookie dough fudge, talk about yummy!

Katelyn kept saying "mmm, I really like it!" as she licked the beater for about 10 minutes.
Then my cousin Kendra, Jeremy and Issac came over to watch the BYU game! Go Cougars!!

Katelyn loved Issac and built him a fortress out of books. So cute.


  1. Homemade bread is the best. Your first try looks infinitely better than my first attempt!! Good job!

  2. Congrats on making real bread! I'm glad you're a 'real woman' now :) We're excited to see y'all next week!

  3. well iam 44 and have stil NOT made bread by myself yet sooooo your doing great I love this being in touch

  4. way to go sister! you are my inspiration!
