Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Finally, a bread we can agree on!!

For the last almost 5 years, Eric and I have debated the qualities of different breads. He likes white, I like wheat. Then I decided I wanted whole wheat, and we found bread that we both liked, for about $4.50 a loaf! That obviously wasn't going to work. The last year or so we've been through many kinds, and for a while I bought a kind I liked but Eric didn't, it had "a weird aftertaste". Eric liked a certain kind that he and his friend buy to make sandwiches at work, but to me it's too spungy and has no flavor. And FINALLY we found this delight- it's thick like wheat bread but smooth and chewy like white, it's 100% whole wheat, has a total of 9 ingredients, and it's made right in Kaysville Utah!! I admit I was turned off by the bright, weird packaging, but the bread is great and only $2.34 a loaf. Even Katelyn said the other day while she was eating a sandwich "mmm, I like this bread!" Hallelujah!


  1. Any "Granny" bread has got to be good. Ryan got me loving one I think called "Grandma Emily's" that we've only seen in Provo.

  2. Rebecca! Its Adele (Leavitt)- I just found your blog from Gina's blog- I didn't realize you had two little girls already! They are beautiful!! We're expecting our first in the next few weeks sometime! I love finding new people with blogs! Talk to you later!

  3. yeah we have bread issues too. i will look for this brand but who knows if it is out here. =o]
