Tuesday, September 2, 2008

4 months!!!

So our little Whitney will be 4 MONTHS OLD on Thursday, I can't believe it! Does it keep going by faster with each child?? You moms of more than 2 kids will have to let me know, cause I swear Kate's first 4 months were forever, people were like "savor this special time" and was like "yeah right, this is taking forever, I want her to grow up and do the next thing!" But now with Whitney it's flying by.

So here's what you need to know about Whitney. She's SO CUTE and smiley. Even when she's crying if you look at her and talk to her she'll try to smile.
She did her first 360 on her back yesterday, she kept half rolling and scooting until after about 5 minutes she had turned in a full circle!
She's starting to play with toys, she likes to suck on everything and stick out her tongue, and she sleeps great at night.
Oh yeah, and she has partial facial paralysis from when she was born, so the right side of her mouth hangs down a little when she opens it really wide, like in a big smile or when she cries. The doctors say it should go away by itself... so we're not worried about it yet.
The other thing about Whitney is that she LOVES Katelyn. It's the cutest thing ever.
I took all these pictures of them because we didn't feel like going to a professional photographer until Whitney can sit up in a couple of months hopefully.
So there they are. Our girls. We love 'em. Happy four months Whitney! We love you so much!



  2. So darling! And it looks like you don't need to go to a professional photographer. Those pictures are priceless.

  3. They are truly adorable. Time does pass much more quickly the second time around, and I felt like I really could enjoy each stage instead of waiting for the next milestone.

    Looks like you had lots of fun last week! Kristi's boys are so cute!

  4. SO CUTE!!! It looks like you won't ever need to go get professional pictures taken- those are really, REALLY cute!! BTW-what program did you use to edit those?! They look great!! And yes, I think time keeps going faster and faster- I guess I'M getting older for one, and then you just have so much more going on that it goes faster. Gone are the days of sitting and holding your baby all day, right?!

    And PS- partial facial paralysis??!! What in the word... I've never even heard of that- she got it from going through labor?? I'm glad it goes away on its own... and it hasn't affected her cuteness in the least!!!

  5. wow rebecca, your girls are just adorable! They're getting so big! I bet you're having so much fun with them! Keep in touch!

  6. Hey Murray's, cute girls!! I love them, they're adorable and such good friends! So Rebecca I was wondering if you remember the pumpkin craft we did a few years ago in the ward. I want to teach some friends how to make them, but I can't even remember how we did it. If you remember please e-mail me jenn.v.brandt@gmail.com. Thanks!! I'll talk to you later! Hope you guys are doing well!
