Thursday, December 9, 2021

Maris has a Musical Birthday!


Cutie Maris got to have a special birthday this year!  Her birthday was the Sunday of the weekend we were in St George for Ryder's baptism. So she got to have birthday breakfast with Grammy and Grandpa Jamie, Birthday lunch with cousins, and birthday dinner at home! (we fasted the week before). And then a party with friends the next day, and another birthday dinner and swimming in Highland with the Murrays!
Here she is getting sandwich hugged by her big sisters her last night of being 6.
And a birthday selfie with Mom!
special breakfast:

opening presents at the condo:

Maris's Musical birthday party the next day!  She only had 2 friends show up- Lizzy and Brittany. But it was still fun!

Emma shooting Owen the dragon in the obstacle course:
Stepping on music notes and playing tone bells in the obstacle course:

Dance party with a bunch of songs Whitney helped Maris get.  We rolled a dice for what to do for each song. Instruments, musical chairs, karaoke, etc.
Her rainbow musical cake turned out fun!!

We brought the rest to share at Grandma's.  Also here are the kids enjoying slushes the night we got back from St. George- her actual birthday. We love our sweet singing and dancing girl!!

And I needed to document this crazy incident-- Emma had earned a candy bar from the reading challenge, so she opened it and took a couple of bites, then put it on her pillow and forgot about it.  She fell asleep early on the couch that night, and when I put her in bed it was dark so I didn't see the candy bar on the pillow!!  The next morning she comes into my room and as she is moving around, little bits of Hershey's Cookies and Cream are on the floor.... finally I turned her around and there was an entire candy bar melted to the back of her head!! hahaha. This picture is after I had already picked a lot of it out!! No more candy in bed!!

1 comment:

  1. Haayahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the candybar!! And your birthday parties are unmatched!
