Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Katelyn’s love/hate relationship with online school

I discovered I don't have any pictures to support the title of this post!  haha I guess I didn't take any pictures of her doing her school work on the laptop in her pajamas at 3pm :) 
So for her the pros were: sleeping in every day for months!!  
school in pajamas
Cons: Assignments were confusing and she couldn't get immediate help from a teacher
Some classes had much harder assignments than the had in person
Most classes just went to boring mode- read and answer questions
Most teachers used this horrible online program that already had everything set up= easy for the teachers, but the assignments didn't always make sense because the teachers didn't write them.

Basically most of her teachers took the lazy way out and it was really frustrating.  But it was nice to only do school work for 2-3 hours a day. 
Which left plenty of time for reading and playing with siblings!!

Kate had fun at Topaz mountain.
and she rocked the sidewalk chalk day with some ADORABLE cartoon foods!  This one was a popcorn bucket.
Lego master park:

close up of the popcorn
such cute eggs:

I added this one because I didn't see it when I did the other posts.  Owen and Whitney chillin on the back step together eating goldfish.  So cute.  They got along pretty well during quarantine, it was wonderful.
Kate was a good sport about family games during quarantine!  Lack of other socializing was a good motivator.
Her playdoh self portrait was a book with a face!
Easter morning.
She was kind enough to stay behind with Emma/Maris on bike rides. 
And she did the Chopped challenge even though she doesn't like being adventurous with food. Yay Katelyn!

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