Thursday, October 15, 2020

Whitney’s World

Well this post is going to be super out of order because Blogger is being stupid.  So here is Part 2:

Whitney's April and May:
First: more Quarantine activities.

Lego Masters awesome playground!
hot tubbing it up at Grandma 's
giant chalk racetrack on our side road
More hot tub time and a kayaking date with mom 

Topaz Mountain

And now- Whitney's birthday!!  We were just barely coming out of Quarantine, so she couldn't have the giant boy/girl party she was hoping for.  So she had a zoom party with school friends, a Zoom party with her soccer team, and then a real, in-person party with just 4 friends. One highlight was the water balloon fight:
Another was playing World Cup soccer, and getting tons of slime supplies as presents!

Whit, Madi H, Rylee, Maddie C, Morgan
Side note:Easter brought fun baby yoda shirts, egg dying, 

and tasting bitter herbs for passover lol.  Of course Whitney had the best reaction!

And back to the party:

books from Grammy and more water balloon fight.

cake time

fun with balloons

the hydroflask she had been wanting!
being silly throwing tissue paper everywhere.

yummy burgers!! her request.
And, celebrating Whitney's birthday with family at Grandma and Grandpa's new house.

And now back to part 1, which I did first and Blogger messed up:

Here's a flash through Whitney's January through March.  I've already described most of it in the younger kids' posts, so I'll just add in anything unique to Whitney.

She got to play indoor soccer, which we didn't realize at the time was such a blessing, as there would be no more games until July!

Whitney rocked the braids!

The tournament in St. George was also a blessing, so exciting to get to go on a trip and stay in a condo with 2 friends and their families- The Sperrys and the Perritons.

random dogpile on Katelyn.

There were some really fun parts about quarantine, such as spa days!
And I'm SO grateful Whitney got to go to the temple at least 3 times before the temples all closed, little did we know she wouldn't have a chance for the rest of the year and beyond!

Whitney and 3 of her friends, Jenson, Sam and James, all got 6th grader ski passes and we all carpooled to take them skiing 5 times!  It was really cool, she had a fun time.
WHitney was so great in the harry Potter  obstacle course.
and the real obstacle course haha. aka rockclimbing with the Cravens.
skiing with the fam

Whitney overall had a good first half of the year.  It was hard to do online school, and she missed sports and friends, but I think she is a homebody at heart and she loved setting her own schedule and re-arranging her room multiple times. :)  So that's why I named this post Whitney's World- she got to set up her world and have a lot of control over her time, and she enjoyed the activities I planned for the most part.  She ended up liking Quarantine I think!

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