Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Katelyn's last 6 months of childhood??!?

It really feels like that!  She's not an adult, but suddenly this year she has become a young woman. That's the best term for it!  
From facebook:  Katelyn got her braces today! This is before, after, and before with the bags of candy she bought a couple of weeks ago to eat before today! She said she wanted to “say goodbye” to them one last time haha.

Katelyn started off her year with ice skating lessons (not pictured) and a ski trip with Eric and Whitney.  She didn't love the 2 hour lesson, but she did end up loving skiing itself!  I love how brave she is.  If she doesn't do physical things, it's out of laziness not fear haha.
 We went to see the Young Ambassadors and get ice cream for our date.  It was fantastic!
 And one Saturday she made cinnamon rolls all by herself....see what I mean about growing up?
 We met up with some friends at the color festival, good times.


 She finally started becoming Emma's #2 mom around the time Emma turned one.  Katelyn is way more comfortable with toddlers than with babies!
 She was NOT happy that the easter bunny gave her makeup haha
Camping in Moab for Spring Break! We went to Canyonlands and Arches.

tiny delicate arch in the background!
fun at the park :)
katelyn created a Lego version of her 101 Dalmatians play!!  It was awesome and cute and hilarious that she actually made that.
Goodbye Lego World!
Goodbye long hair!
It has been so much more manageable since she cut it!
I'm adding these here because I forgot to put them in elsewhere! We went out to a mom and siblings dinner (plus a few littles) when my mom and Jenae were passing through on the way to take Jenae up to Rexburg, and before Melissa and Karl moved to Texas probably forever (sad, crying, tears!!)
It was so fun and I want to do it again!

Katelyn loved Rococo again of course!  She did maybe the best I've seen her on her solo, she was really putting emotion into it!

She wins the awesome helper award for helping with Owen, Whitney, and Maris' birthday parties!!

She ran in possibly her last track meet; I had to document it!
Katelyn made an amazing roller-box family home evening about Joseph in Egypt!  I love her drawings.
We made this for her 6th grade teacher. She was pretty good.
Kate got to play Anita in her Elementary Drama’s production of 101 Dalmatians! She loved it and has had all the songs stuck in our heads for weeks. 😂 She looks so old and pretty up there on stage!!

Katelyn with her best friend Aby.
and her good friend Naomi, who played her dog Perdita.
6th grade graduation!

Katelyn is done with elementary school!! Look at her cute little kindergarten graduation pics! For 6th grade graduation we all look terrific; we had just been at Whitney’s last soccer game. 😂 Katelyn is happy to leave 6th grade behind, except for recess! She has been enjoying some epic capture the flag games to end her recess years with a bang. 😄 I am proud of her for getting good grades, for learning how to be kind to a particularly annoying boy in her class, and for making good friends. Also her teacher challenged her to finish the online 7th and 8th grade curriculum in Math and English in her “spare time” at school, plus one hour per week at home (on Fridays when we didn’t have school) and she worked hard and did it! She can’t wait for Junior High next year, where she will have science and history classes and lots of great electives. It’s a little crazy to think she’s that old, but then I watch her for a couple of minutes and she’s so mature and helpful and funny.....she’s ready to take the next step! We love our Kate.

She made the cutest little presents for her friend Ariel's birthday!
this box that opened to reveal the presents:
including a clay cat bracelet!
last day of school.

Her birthday party!  She invited a few other kids but only these 3, her very best friends, came.  Aby, Ariel, and Liam.
they played minute-to-win-it games:

the picture game!
and pictionary.

and they hung out outside for a bit. It was a fun party.
last Sunday of Primary!!  having a fun singing time with mustaches.  SH
he is in the back, the tallest of course.
Playing with Emma on Maris' birthday at the pond.
Our family history trip this summer to Salt Lake Valley cemeteries.

Katelyn's actual birthday! Well, actually it was the 8th but we celebrated because we were leaving for California on the 9th!  She was very mature about  having to celebrate her birthday a different day.
Swimming for her birthday.

We love our Young Woman Kate! 

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