Around mid-December Emma suddenly started crawling and pulling herself up to stand! SHe never really army-crawled or scooted or anything, so it was crazy to go from being stationary to crawling and standing in a matter of days!
This girl. I love her. she's in the Primary Presidency with me, Casey Roberts. They are just renting in our neighborhood, but they've been here almost 2 years and I'm so grateful for her! This was us at the Night in Bethlehem Primary activity we did during church the Sunday before Christmas.
We had a big Hansen gathering that same day, and actied out the Christmas story! With my giant Camel prop I had made for the Primary thing haha. Karl got the best costume award, all the wise men looked great!
We had some shepherds...
an adorable Mary and Joseph and Whit was the donkey....
and an innkeeper and his wife.
THe angel coming to Mary
travelling to Bethlehem, hold on!!
knocking at the door of the inn.
in the stable, the baby was born!
angel and shepherds
choir of angels
wise men presenting their gifts...
holy family and donkey....
and Eric was the narrator. :)
Emma the riendeer
audrey and Maris making mangers for preschool....
We went to a BYU basketball game without Kate!
Emma crawling.....
Maris' gingerbread house...I guess I missed the rest somehow!!
I made Emma's stocking, our display is complete!
I FINALLY finished Emma’s stocking!! Just in the nick of time lol. Literally EVERY day in December, at least one of the kids would say to me “mom, Emma really needs a stocking!” They were so concerned for her
🤣. Since she cares so much about presents! But I got it done and it might be my favorite one! Good thing I’m not having any more kids, because I used up every scrap of matching fabric.
Now I’m excited to have a chill Sunday Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas everyone. Hugs.
we made tied-edge flannel blankets for refugees in Bangladesh or Jordan. It was a perfect Christmas Break project!
Christmas church clothes!
And more cute pics of crawling EMma!
Eric reminded me this is our last first Christmas
😠and then he took some cute pictures of Emma to make me feel better. Merry merry Christmas everyone!