Monday, January 29, 2018

Emma 6-8 months; sept-nov 2017

Matching pictures of Emma and Owen!
sweet sleeping pic Elizabeth took for me!
Emma liked the "fun chair" some, but only for like 10 minutes at a time.
She liked the water!
She went on a hike with Mom and Dad to the cross in Spanish Fork!
first time in the baby chair at the table!!
Little cutie!!  She was not much of a laugher, or a huge smiler at this age, you really had to work for the big ones!  She would do little smiles readily for family but the big ones took some work.

she has always loved to smile at herself in the mirror as much as any person.
Maris,Mallorie when she had her helmet, and Emma 
Aunt Elizabeth sent us some big bow headbands, so Emma has been a big bow girl!
in the overalls Great-grandmom made for mom!

Most of these months Emma spent sitting and playing.  maybe moving a few inches on her bum, or turning like 90 degrees on her tummy, but pretty much she was content to hang out where she was and enjoy the show!  Or be held. :)
She finally got 2 bottom teeth and started loving real food.  She loved music and could move to a beat. She woke up twice a night to eat, every 3-4 hours.  i finally started letting her cry to fall asleep for naps, because that's what she was doing anyway in my arms! Slept in my bed at night most of November, until we both weren't getting enough sleep and had to end that. :(
What a sweetie pie, we all love her so much!!!

Family pictures

We got lucky this year.  A mom from Whitney's soccer team offered to take our family pictures as a thank-you for Eric coaching.  I said ABSOLUTELY YES, especially once I looked at her IG account and saw that she does a great job.  So we scheduled it and I worked on the outfits!  Once I finally picked the colors it wasnt too hard.  I only had to buy a shirt for Owen, a headband for Emma, and make Whitney's dress.  Oh and make Maris a necklace. :)

The big day came and it all went well!  I convinced Whitney to wear the dress I made, the kids were all cheerful, the weather was great= perfect.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!

And then here are a couple more I took while we were all looking so cute.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

baby chair

When Emma outgrew her baby chair in August, we got rid of it. But first I took pictures of all the kids in it haha, since it was something they all used!