Sunday, July 31, 2016

Maris becomes an official 2-year-old!

Our adorable Maris turned 2.  She was delighted with the tiny scriptures we gave her.
If you can tell through her crazy hair!

And all the other presents including this from Grammy!
It was cute to have Evelyn and Claire with us that morning!
I made her a BB-8 cake. :)

and we had fun at the park.

Then we got to celebrate more with Grandma and Grandpa that night. 
We love our Maris.  She is speaking in paragraphs, still copying everything Owen does, and loving her daddy more and more.  She loves to look at books and is starting to pretend play with dolls or animals, it is SO cute.  She finally likes nursery and can sing a few real songs/countless songs she makes up on her own.  Joy, joy, joy is what she brings us!!

1 comment:

  1. The other day when i was putting her down for her nap i asked her what song she wanted to sing and she said,"the wagon song" i told her i didnt know that song but asked her if she wanted to sing it to me. So she sang a song about a little red wagon and "a happy happy girl" for like a straight minute before ending with a drawn out, "waaaagoooooooooon."
    It was adorable. Also, i would love to watch you frost a cake some day. Your cakes look so well done, even on the parts you cut!
