Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Funny Maris

 She tries to give long kisses on the lips, saying "mmmmmuah!" She copies absolutely everything we say and everything Owen does!  For example last night at dinner Owen was dipping pieces of food into his water cup before eating them, so she was trying to take off the lid of her cup so she could do the same!  Then he got out of his chair and was eating standing by the table so she did it too!  Silly.
She loves to try and do chores if the kids are doing them.  She wants to put on her own shoes.  She says "sorry mom!" if I ever say ouch for any reason, and if anyone seems upset she goes up to them and pats them and says "iss okay, iss okay." She calls bunnies "bummies" and her favorite game is motor boat "butter boat" and Eric purposely asks her to say those things all the time because he says he "never gets tired of hearing it." 
She is pretty much an adorable ray of sunshine.
Here she is riding a horse-- for a couple of weeks she would do this for at least 20 minutes a day, slowly walking around and a round the main room, so funny.
 Sometimes she is just so dang cute that a I have to take a picture of her immediately.  She is getting good at this cute smile for pictures.

And apparently I think she looks cute in that shirt because here is another one haha.
She has also started grabbing a big book and sitting real close to someone who is reading/playing on a tablet/watching something and "reading" outloud to herself.  So cute.

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