Monday, February 9, 2015

A Very New Year!

This year has been new in many ways.  First- it's been the warmest January ever!  Super weird!  Second, the girls started their new school and our ward/stake boundaries changed.  So we are now in the Salem 12th ward, Salem West Stake instead of the Leland Ward, Spanish Fork West Stake.  We were just starting to get to know people....but it's definitely for the best.  We were meant to be in this ward at this time.  The kids are making friends, I get to teach senior primary, and Eric got called to be the scoutmaster again!  We were totally shocked, but he quickly got excited about it and is doing awesome.  Anyway, it has been a lot of changes for us!

The girls are at a new school, American Leadership Academy.  They have done great with the transition and are making friends.  It has gone SO much more smoothly than I thought it would! And  I love that they are only 3 minutes away.  And they get to wear red!  Fun!  They do miss Santaquin and their old friends though.

Now a bunch of random stuff.  Katelyn got stuck in the dryer.  She said she was going to pretend like she was stuck, but then she really got stuck!  I heard her say "uhhhhhh, help?" and it was really funny.
The girls let me do my favorite hairstyle on them, the french braid swirl.  It was actually Whitney's first time ever- she had never let me do it before!

A selfie by katelyn, thanks kate haha! classic.
Maris has been fairly immobile; she usually just sits in one spot and plays.  But slowly she is starting to move!  This was the 2nd or 3rd week of January, and she used to be sitting where Katelyn is-- but she got on her tummy and kept pushing herself backwards with her arms until she was all the way over there!  We were all so excited!  And then she's only done that a couple more times since haha.
Owen took this picture of me and Maris watching the Biggest Loser, and I thought I looked kind of cute in it so I'm including it :)
Then here's a few Christmas ones from Eric's phone that I missed, oops!
Our kids' first time meeting "Santa" at a church party...

 Owen wouldn't sit on his lap but he was brave enough to speak up and tell him what he wanted for Christmas; "train tracks".  And he accepted the candy cane. :)
 Maris and her sticky-up hair!  
 Maris and her cousin Jayda!  Of course Maris is stealing from her younger cousin!
 Christmas Eve.
 Christmas morning.
 Christmas Afternoon: Grandma and Grandpa Murray with all their grandkids!

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