Wednesday, December 3, 2014


first of all, we had Happy Murray Day.  It was pretty low-key this year, since I almost forgot about it!  It came 4 days after we moved!  So here are the awards:
Katelyn: Magical Murray- because she has read all the Harry Potter books multiple times this year, and because she is magically good at a lot of things!
Whitney: Motherly Murray, because she is working so hard at practicing to be a good mom! She is a natural.
Owen: Make-it Murray, because he loves to help Dad build and fix-things.
Maris: Marshmallow Murray, because she is a big lump, very squishy, but also very sweet. :)
Here is an adorable FHE lesson Whitney made up, about Heavenly Father's plan.  She made a bunch of statements that were true or false, and we had to put them on the Jesus poster for true or the Satan poster for false.
 My favorite was the false statement "we are berzz (bears)" haha.

 And she made such a cute chart showing all the steps of life.  Awesome.

 Katelyn has been working really hard all Fall in her performing arts group, Rococo.  They learned 6 songs from the 40's and 50's, along with awesome choreography, for their performance.  She has a bright future in theater!
 Here she is right before her performance, she had so much fun! 
 And I was so proud of her, she volunteered for TWO solos!  So she sang a verse of "Swingin' on a Star" and a verse of "Every Day" by herself, in front of hundreds of people!  SHe was so cute and did a great job.  It was a challenge to be dancing on the chorus and then remember to run up to the microphone in time for her solo, but by the last of 3 shows she finally got there! :)  And her singing improved each time too.
I will try to post a video soon.  Next up: Thanksgiving and Maris's 6 month post!!

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