Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fall Fun

We did manage to squeeze in a couple more traditional fall activities amid the craziness of moving.  
The pumpkin patch, complete with corn pit:

We went with Eric's mom, who took this picture. :)
One of the dress-up days for the girls' Red Ribbon Week was Superhero Day, and since they don't own any costumes I decided to be a cool mom and help them come up with some.  They chose to be Superheroes from Studio C (byutv sketch comedy show with actors who used to be in Divine Comedy at BYU, my fave!)  Captain Literally and Captain Irony!  We managed to find the right colors (-ish) from their wardrobes (although we had to dig through a box of already-packed clothes--very annoying!) and I busted out my scrap fabric stash to make them capes and letter-emblem things for their shirts.  They were SO excited and it was well worth the 15 minutes it took to assemble the costumes.  Although it did reinforce my habit of saving small scraps of fabric "just in case I ever need them", which was bad for my hoarder tendencies overall. :)

Randomly Eric got invited to go fishing with his bosses and a client.  He goes golfing with them occasionally so I guess they decided he likes outdoor stuff??  Because Eric had never been fishing before!  Turns out he's not terrible at it; he caught 13 fish! Everyone else caught more, he said, but still!  He liked it but didn't LOVE it.
I let Maris suck on an apple slice and she was in heaven.  We have since started feeding her rice cereal at dinner time.
We had a fun time at the BYU Homecoming races!  Well, some of us did... Eric took these awesome pictures of Owen BEFORE his race, and then the gun went off and he started bawling and refused to run. :(  So he was carried, crying, around the track, poor boy.  Maybe next year?? :)

We were super excited for Whitney's race, and she did not disappoint!  She ran 12 seconds faster than last year, and took 4th place!  She did awesome and even passed a couple of girls on the last curve and held her own down the home stretch.
Here she is at the start on the outside, looking over and smiling at the other girls!  She likes to compete I think. :)
With 50 meters to go, she looks pretty good!
They didn't do award ceremonies this year, which was SUPER sad, so I just took a picture of her on the podium by herself.  She is a winner.
I also ran the 5k with Derek and was only 14 seconds slower than last year, even though I've only been running twice a week!  Go PiYo!

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