Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer Fun Photo Dump!

This summer has been really fun, we've been able to do more than I thought we would with a new baby. :)  
We went to a couple of parades, at which Whitney clapped and waved vigorously in hopes of getting more candy! They got plenty!
 cute attempt at a selfie

 Owen and Maris enjoying the parade in comfort!

 We love boating at Pineview Reservoir with our Murray family!!

 Petting zoo. Whit loves animals!

 Maris in the Minnie Mouse outfit my visiting teacher bought her!
 playing with the camera on my new phone
 We got to go to Lagoon for Eric's summer Company Party!  It was super fun, except for that Owen only wanted to go on a couple of rides and Katelyn only liked one roller coaster.

the animal train

they finally conked out in the stroller
Whitney with her friend Porter, whose Dad works/carpools with Eric so they were there for the work party too.
And they held Maris for us to go on a couple of rides!
It took some convincing to get Owen on the Merry Go Round while Eric and the girls went on another ride
and then we all went
all day many strangers commented on how adorable Maris was. 
Had to document this.  Katelyn is always sad because she never gets carried- at least she hasn't since Owen was born!  So as we were leaving the park Eric surprised her and picked her up and she was SO HAPPY, it was SO cute.  Oh and she bought that monkey with her own money. :)
Eric celebrated his birthday in Fruit Heights!
And here's something else I've done several times this summer with the kids:
Gone to Salem Pond

Or various parks (here the girls are playing American Ninja Warrior)

Maris and I hang out in the shade while the kids play, and I take lots of pictures of her :)
More Salem Pond

We've also been to various splash parks- Whitney runs wild at them!

Kate and Owen are adorable together.

This gem is from Santaquin Days.
I got the girls these shirts at Old Navy and the next morning they surprised me by wearing them with their Great-Great-Grammy shorts!  Then they were helping Owen be a "cowboy", so I had to take a picture.

so many silly poses!  I felt so much joy this summer all the times my kids played nicely together!  I hope they can always be friends, be close.  Yes, Owen and Whitney could be heard fighting about 20 times a day, and Katelyn and Whitney had blow-ups at least twice a day, but there were many good hours in between. :)

A few more pics from Pineview that I am too lazy to move to the top of the post :)
Maris and Grandma
Grandpa and owen
Owen and Cleo are becoming little friends, it's SO cute!  
You can't really tell, but these next two are of Whitney trying kneeboarding for the first time!  She went on her stomach and loved it!  I was super impressed that she wasn't afraid to be out there all by herself holding onto the rope!

Katelyn and Whitney love Grandpa's boat!  And Owen is getting over his fear. :)
Aunt Elizabeth and Maris- and I didn't get a picture of Kjarom but we love him!  He is so much fun.
Summer is the best!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Maris at 2 months

I am the luckiest person alive because I am this sweet little girl's mama.  Seriously she is an angel.  I just want to freeze time!  Some days I feel like I could have 8 or 10 kids because I love my baby girl so much. :)
Here's Maris with a big smile for Daddy:
making cute faces while we sit in the shade at the park as her brother and sisters play
awesome selfie at the parade on the 24th of July
blurry smiles taken with my phone

cute girl in a swimsuit!
A comparison of Maris at 2 months (left) and 2 weeks (right)-- she has filled out a bit!

more from the swimsuit/barefoot sandals photo shoot :)

talking to Daddy- she makes the cutest noises!!  I especially love it when she talks to Owen, Whitney, and Katelyn.

Little sweetheart.  I have to force myself to put her down sometimes so I can get stuff done, but occasionally I just hold her while she sleeps because it's precious time that will never come back!
As she gets older Katelyn is more interested in playing with her!  Here she is playing peekaboo. 

Our farm animals at Santaquin Days!
I had to get a picture of Maris and her sweet Aunt Elizabeth, who has loved her so much already in her short life!  Can't wait for her new closest-in-age cousin to be born!  
Oh and check out those eyes-- still blue!!  lovin' it.
So at 2 months Maris is sleeping great- I only get up once in the night to feed her, around 4-5 am (she goes to bed around 9).  She is super patient with me and her siblings during the day.  She is starting to try to reach for things.  She loves to be played with and sang to.  She beams at everyone who smiles at her.  She doesn't spit up or drool much.  Like I said, I want to freeze time because she is perfect. :)