Friday, May 30, 2014

School's Out for the Summer!!!

A few end-of-the-school-year items:
Katelyn really wanted to be in the school talent show, so she wrote a piano song to play.  I was impressed that she's not nervous to play in front of the whole school!
 Owen is my little cooking helper, it's so cute.  He loves to help me make pasta.

 A picture I missed from Whitney's kindergarten graduation:
 Owen loves to "help mow the lawn".  As soon as he sees Eric out there he runs and grabs his lawn mower,  and he'll mow for seriously 30 minutes!

 I helped at the school field day, they had some great activities like this GIANT slide:

 And Water Wars- Kate's in the middle in blue
 the lady in charge really built this whole cardboard city with little forts and water gun refueling stations throughout, and the teachers were launching water balloons at them the whole time, it was AWESOME.
 And of the school year assembly- Katelyn and Whitney were both on the High Honor Roll, and Katelyn got the Queen of her class award!  Her good friend Mason was the king.  It was for the student who showed the school model of Accountability, Responsibility, and Respect. :)  Here they are with their awesome teacher Mrs. Dodge.
 Random: I took this picture one morning to show how I always hold Owen for the first few minutes after he wakes up in the morning- he scrunches up on top of my belly like that, it's so funny.  
 I've been going through a couple of watermelons per week (seriously) and this last one we opened was a BYU fan!  Haha.
 Also Whitney started T-ball this week, our first experience with baseball!  Eric had practiced with her a bunch playing catch, and it was so fun to see her learning to play!  Here she is trying to step on the base and get a kid out- although they don't really have "outs" in our wimpy t-ball league. :)
 I love this picture.  It is so WHITNEY.  Intense, intense, intense!  Her tongue is out, she's just taking off to run as a ball is hit.  She runs for every ball, and many times beats kids who are closer to it to start with!  She's starting to learn about positions though.
 Her first hit!
We're excited to watch some more games and see if her Murray genes shine through, because none of us Hansens went very far with baseball. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have always been impressed with Katelyn's confidence in performing in front of people! I also love that you let Owen help make the pasta and whitney is such a cutie
