Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pregnancy: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This will be my last pregnancy post, since I only have 10 days left!  
I just wanted to show some highlights now that it's almost over.
First, pre-pregnancy pics from last summer, to remind myself that I will be skinny again, someday!
Last summer was AMAZING, pretty much the best ever.
I took a lot of selfies!  Remember this:
and this:                                                               and this:

I did everything I wanted to do before jumping back on the pregnancy/nursing crazy train. :)
And here we are at week 5, this was the first day I started feeling sick- can you tell from the look on my face??  I should have known right then that I was having a girl!

Ugh that sickness is horrible.  Even with my friend Zofran that made it manageable.  Definitely one of the "BADS" of pregnancy.  
Now let's focus on possibly the one and only big positive of pregnancy (besides obviously the end result!): my hair. :)  
Definitely in the "GOOD" category, I have ADORED my hair this pregnancy!  Not only did it grow fast and thick, it has generally been luscious, smooth, and easy to manage and keep grease-free.  I have only been washing my hair twice a week since last summer and it has been AMAZING!  Life-changing to not have to start from scratch with wet hair every day!  I have had so much fun trying new hair styles and curling my hair and generally feeling like it was pretty cute.  And feeling cute really helps boost my happiness!  So that is one thing I'm definitely going to miss once post-partum sets in!!

lovin' the curls
even without doing anything to it it's not too bad, as seen here:

While morning sickness is BY FAR the worst part of pregnancy, like nothing else comes close for me, here is another of the BADS--THE LARGENESS!  
It was good for me to look back at these pictures and laugh because I thought I was HUGE at each stage haha! Like here at Thanksgiving when I was only 12 weeks along and I thought I was showing so hugely, oh my.  

 This was at Christmas, 16 weeks:

 And here's around Owen's birthday 20 weeks:

 And bah-BOOM!  Apparently I didn't take any pictures in February, this was the end of March.  This, 28 weeks, was one of my least favorite parts of this pregnancy, because my stomach had POPPED out so hugely and I was super uncomfortable and exhausted (around then I started taking iron) and everyone was asking me when I was due and I still had more than TWO MONTHS left!  Super depressing.

 more March
 my awesome watermelon comparison

 Then it was finally April, 
 And then May!  These are pictures that show me at Whitney's party.  I was SO relieved to finally make it to MAY!  Here I am from behind.  Everyone says "you can't even tell from behind that you're pregnant!" but really, I hope I look a little skinnier than that when I'm not pregnant!

 This is around then too- 36 weeks.  I guess I just carry my babies straight out in front!  It's good because I don't have too much back pain and she doesn't kick my ribs much, but it's BAD because my stomach skin cannot handle that much stretch and I have huge stretch marks.  Like the area around my belly button is one big stretch mark!  So I will always have extra skin there.  Not cute.  Too bad.  That's just part of being a mom :)
 And this is the last picture I've taken- 37 weeks!  I guess I should take another but I don't feel like I've really gotten bigger?  Anyway, I'm totally happy with how I look right now, because I'm SUPPOSED to be huge right before I deliver!  All my friends are so nice and are always saying that I'm the cutest pregnant girl ever, so I'm trying to just enjoy it!  Because I know I look better now than I will for like the next 3-6 months!!!
And last but not least, the UGLY.  These pictures don't do my ugly veins justice.  They are worse each pregnancy, but I am grateful they aren't as widespread or painful as my poor sister Allison's were!  And they haven't gotten much worse the last couple of months as I feared they would.  I'm excited for these to mostly go away in the next couple of months!

One last thought to end on- I was reading the post-partum section of my pregnancy book the other day, and this line cracked me up: "You may feel overwhelmed.  You may wonder if having a baby was really a good idea."  Hahaha.  I read it to Eric and he was like "you may wonder if having FOUR babies was really a good idea!"  which made me laugh even more.  Yes, having a new baby is going to make things crazy around here, but we are excited and ready!  Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. You ARE the cutest pregnant girl ever!! Only a few days now. :)
