Friday, October 4, 2013

just a few soccer still shots

Adorable girls- Mia and Whitney!
 One of Whitney's shots on goal (she's about to shoot and get blocked!)
 Kate playing goalie!
 She's on the ground after diving and stopping the ball!
 Kate in the pink shorts fighting for the ball!

The next two are of Eric- in this one he's listening to one of the kids tell him something as he gets ready for a kickoff,
and in this one he's smiling sympathetically as someone shot and missed.  He is a great coach. 
 Whitney doing her crazy jumping dance "someone is coming with the ball and I've got to stop them"

 A cute moment- Owen asked Whitney to take him over to the park during Katelyn's game and she agreed.

 Whitney chasing after the ball, she beat that boy and stopped him from scoring!
 Had to throw this one in- this was our superstar Xavier, and this was the excited look that was ALWAYS on his face during the games!  So cute.
 Whitney with her best friend Tyson (left) and Zeke
 Whit dribbling
 Kate defending
 Kate dribbling
We had a great season!


  1. ahhh... I seriously miss you guys so much! Christmas can't come soon enough. I hope Owen remembers me!!!
