Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I figured out I can upload a couple of pics at a time, just not 12 like I had been doing.... whatever.  I just don't want to pay for my blog.  
So--here's Thanksgiving!  We had our feast and fun with Eric's family in Fruit Heights, including a little basketball and volleyball practice.
Whit learned to dribble
 Kate did a lot of passing and shooting (she's going to play Jr. Jazz basketball for the first time in a couple of weeks!)
 Elizabeth and Kjarom played volleyball and Owen and I rolled a ball around on the grass.
 The next day we headed up to Pocatello to see Eric's grandparents and other family, and then went to Rexburg where Donny, Christine, Jonathan, and Melissa are in school!  Derek was there too, it was quite the party.  The girls explored Donny and Christine's tiny but SO cute apartment, 
 we all hung out, 
and saw the sights of Rexburg!  (Which took about 10 minutes haha)
Do you think maybe Whitney didn't want to take a picture??

The temple is beautiful!  But it's so cold!  
Anyway it was such a good time and I'm so glad we went up there so we could spend time with my siblings and get to know the place where they are going to be living for a few years.  
On a side note, I've decided that I really like where I live.  Well, I like where I live in relation to where my family lives.  Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to live about 1 hour from my parents.  That would be AWESOME.  But since we're not dying to live in California, and since we don't really want to live anywhere in between here and California (Vegas?  no thank you!  Eric's a major heat wimp.) We are located in a prime spot for multiple visits from my family as they go back and forth from Provo or Rexburg!  Our Rexburg-ites stopped on their way home for Christmas and spent the night, and it was SO FUN.  We ate treats, played the ever-amazing drawing game, and I got to play Dalmuti=heaven!  Also we get to see Derek lots because he's only 30 minutes away.  ALSO, Katrina lives only 3 hours away, and we got to see her TWICE this month as she came up for various events with Phillip's family!  Hooray!  My kids love Lydia.  So, although we miss our California cousins and family, we do get to see everyone pretty often considering how far we live.
And thankfully, we live close to all of Eric's family, (when they're in the U.S.!) so they fill the void for me :) 

Anyway, it's been a great month or so for seeing lots of family!! 

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