Wednesday, October 31, 2012

the race

This year the girls really did outstanding in the BYU Homecoming races!  They were both doing the same distance as last year and were the oldest age in their group (Whit-200 meters, 1-4 year-olds, and Kate- 400 Meters, 5-6 year olds) so they ran well!  Here is Katelyn (in purple) on the last curve with 100 m left, (and you can see Derek cheering her on on the side) she really stayed strong and didn't die out at the end.  And she was 30 seconds faster than last year!!  She took 8th place.
 Here's a not-great picture of Whitney about to finish, I couldn't see so I just held up my camera and shot it, she's in a blue shirt and bright pink pants, you can barely see the edge of the girl in front of her who took 1st, that's right Whitney took 2nd place!  She did SO awesome, I first saw her at about 50m in, and she was passing everyone!  She came around the curve looking SO strong and determined and in the zone, her legs and arms were just pumping so fast, I saw her look up and see the finish and she kept up the pace to the end!  We'll have to teach her about kicking, because she totally could have taken that 1st place girl if she picked it up a tiny bit!  But wow, she did awesome!  40 seconds faster than last year!!
 So she got a medal and got to stand on the podium, the same one the state track champs stand on, and they announced her name and asked her a question and everything!  So cute.
Me and Owen cheering
 cute little runner girls.
 with the Y and the misty, fall-colored mountains behind them!