Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Star Wars Halloween!

R2, stay with the ship!
 Hey there little fella!
 Luke, I am your father!
May the Force be with you!
 a-da, a-da!
 watch out, here comes Darth Vader!
 (me and my little ewok, he's the cutest ever!)
 bee-boop, a-weeooh!  (Katelyn really practiced her R2 language beforehand!)
 Darth, Leia, Wicket, Luke, and R2-D2
 Help me Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!
 Bro and Sis
 Oh no, the baby ewok was captured by Darth Vader!
We had a great Halloween!


  1. the last picture was my favorite but way to be a fun family! they can remember this forever now!

  2. Ha ha so funny. I LOVE your bun's.
    Cute halloween family.

  3. That is such a cute family costume! Love it!
