Tuesday, July 24, 2012

the pig: a eulogy...???

The time has finally come.  The end of the pig.  Don't worry, it's also the beginning of  a new one! 
I originally posted about the pig here:
just a few months after she received it for Christmas from Grammy and Grandpa Jamie.  
The best $5 they ever spent? I think yes.  
Not much has changed in Whitney's devotion to her piggy since that post. 
It has been her best friend and constant companion,

cuddled with her almost every night
It has had a major role in Katelyn and Whitney's imaginary play
and traveled everywhere with her.
It's so much a part of her life that it has snuck it's way into many pictures:
holding it as she fell asleep during Hairspray
chasing dad
decorating eggs
becoming techno-savvy
and reading Christmas stories.
Whitney's love for the pig has not changed, only grown, but the pig has certainly changed.  She is no longer plump, the stuffing is totally gone in her neck from Whitney carrying her around in the crook of her arm for 2 1/2 years.  Her fur is matted and so, so dirty.  She barely looks like a pig!
The pig has comforted and played with Whitney, it has been tied to things and dragged around behind things and it has absorbed many, many of her tears.  Eric and I as parents have survived multiple tantrums over a period of months when we would not let her take the pig to church.  We have had many a frantic search for the pig as we were headed out the door (late, probably) and she just had to bring it with her in the car.  We have had many a frustrated search for the pig at bedtime when we swear we have searched the whole house top to bottom and it's nowhere to be found- then it finally appears tucked under a blanket in some corner. And she's had many trips into our room in the middle of the night when she would lose the pig among her blankets and couldn't find it in the dark.
But for better or for worse, Eric and I knew Whitney loved that pig more than anything, and we love her more than anything, so it was worth it. 
However, over the last six months, the pig's appearance has really gone downhill.  (It is no coincidence that this corresponds with Owen's lifespan...) I mean, the pig is grossly dirty.  I haven't been as strict about watching to make sure the pig doesn't go outside- to the point where we can't even really claim that's a rule anymore.  The pig has slipped outside more and more often and been dragged around and set down on dirt and rocks way too much.  It has also started accompanying us places it was not allowed before, such as the grocery store, doctor's office, etc.  And thus, has become grayer and grayer.  The last time I washed it, the color didn't even change!  And that's when I knew the pig's days were numbered.  Amazingly we never had to stitch it up or anything- way to make a quality product Kohls!
So then the last couple of weeks I've heard Whitney and Katelyn talking about "when Whitney gets a new fluffy pig" and I thought "hmmm..." and then last week we were sitting around right before or after family scripture reading and they mentioned it.  So Eric looked on amazon and found one for only $10 and we decided this was our chance!!  We decided to get it if Whitney would pay for half.  
And then Eric and I started to get a little sad!
I mean, that pig has been so important to our little girl.  She's practically a member of the family.  And our little hoarder Whitney, surprisingly, was ready to just throw it away when the new one came!
Kate and Whitney came up with a plan, that the night the new one came, (good things always come at night, right??) Whit would leave her "dirty pig" on the floor, and the new one would be peeking out of the shirt drawer of her dresser when she woke up, and the old one would be gone.  Obviously we were going to go along with this painless plan!  
So yesterday the pig came.  We told her it "might" be the night.  I caught Eric looking fondly at the pig several times throughout the evening, surprisingly.  I am usually the sentimental one in our relationship!  But it became apparent that we could not throw that pig away.  It would be like throwing away part of our child!  I can't totally explain my affection for that pig.
Also, you never know, she might decide to freak out and want the old one back!  We all remember the disaster of Christmas 2011, when Whitney convinced us she didn't need to take the pig to California.  She could take a new smaller pig instead and leave "dirty pig" at home so nothing would happen to her.  We kept asking "are you sure?" but she was, and so we left.  Boy did we kick ourselves 2 hours later when she was sleepy and needed her favorite friend for a pillow.  Why on earth didn't we hide the pig in the trunk just in case??  Instead she cried heart-breakingly for an hour until we got to Kohls in St. George and bought her a new $5 temporary replacement, a kangaroo.   
So for sentimental and practical reasons, the old pig will be living in my cedar chest from now on.  Eric and I might even take it out and smile occasionally.  :)
Because we love our Whitney.  :)  
Piggy #1 lasted for 2 1/2 years, so we'll see how long Pig #2 lasts.  She's going to grow up a lot in the next couple of years, so we hope there will be no need for a Pig #3. :)

Her last night with the old pig.

 She was totally not worried about it at all, and Eric and I were almost in tears!  
 The new and the old!
 The transition was seamless, except for the part when she woke up at midnight crying because she couldn't find her pig and she was half asleep so she had forgotten about the plan for the new one!  We showed it to her and she was suddenly wide awake, alternately holding it at arms length to look at its pink brightness and hugging it tightly.  She's so happy with her new "fluffy pig".  

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Wow.  I used to think 30 sounded old.  It still does I guess.  But I feel the same as I've felt for the last 10 years, or at least the last 5.  
It was funny, a couple of days before my birthday it hit me that I was leaving my twenties, never to return.  I suddenly thought, "have I done everything I wanted to do??"
And the answer is YES!  
It has been an amazing-beyond-my-wildest-dreams decade!  
Since I turned twenty I have accomplished most of my lifetime goals- well, the goals I set for myself when I was 18 or 19.
Some of these included:
Get married in the temple
Marry Eric- this was more of an unspoken goal!
Become fluent in a foreign language (I count my once-conversational Spanish!)
travel to other countries (Mexico and Japan twice)
Coach Cross Country and Track and teach High School History
Run a marathon (3!!)
sing with my husband in church
make a quilt
Have ______# children (3 cute ones so far!)

And I've done so many other things I didn't set as goals.  
Like being on a school board, 
going to Girls Camp as a leader,
starting running groups, 
learning to LOVE primary,
making friends of all ages, 
running a Ragnar,
making hundreds of meals for my family (and we're just getting started, already my boy is a BOY, he's going to eat us out of house and home I know it!)
made friends and 
kept in touch with old friends
and watched my siblings join me in their twenties and be such great friends to me!

Now I'm contemplating the next ten years, as me and Eric's parents get a little older
and our grandparents really get old
and in ten years I'll have two teenage girls (yikes!) 
and be done having babies, 
but my kids will still all be at home and I'll still be kind of young. :)

I'm so glad to know that, baring tragic accident or illness, I'll always have Eric.
I love love love to be with him.  He was SO worth waiting for!  
and he IS so worth waiting for, each day as I start getting antsy around 4 o'clock because I can't wait for him to get home and make me laugh. :)

So now I"m going to set some goals for this decade, but they'll be a little different.
Less about DOING, more about BECOMING.
Less about ME, more about the people around me.  
I want more than anything else for my kids to have testimonies of Jesus Christ and His gospel and be happy people.  And I want Eric and I to always be as happy as we are today and keep growing together.
That's it. Whatever energy I have left, I will give to siblings and parents and neighbors and friends.

But just look at these guys, on the morning of my birthday.  
This is what I live for.
Oh and running.  I also live for running, haha.
 SO for my birthday I REALLY wanted to go on a bike ride up in Provo Canyon.  It was a big pain to borrow a bike trailer and fit all the bikes in the cars and drive two cars and Eric drove down a couple of miles and rode back up to meet us so we could go mostly down hill, but it was so worth it!  Even in the rain! It was a very memorable day.
We started at the Bridal Veil Falls parking lot and rode up to the falls (about a quarter mile- Whitney's uphill limit).  We fed the fish and then Eric and the girls waded in and I got this picture of them:

 Owen and I stayed out and he was being so cute of course, so I took a picture of me and the little drool-face:
 Then we rode back to the parking lot, put Whit's bike back in the car, her in the trailer with Owen, and we were off!... for about 3 minutes, until it started POURING rain.  It had only rained one other time in the last 2 months, so of course we were due for some rain on my birthday. :)  We took shelter under a pavilion for about a half-hour until it was just sprinkling again and we could finish our ride.
 Katelyn then started singing "The Farmer in the Dell" and didn't stop for the next 20 minutes, causing many people to smile as we passed them on the trail. :)
 and Owen happily conked out.
 After a stop to see Katrina and a trip to one of my FAVORITE restaurants, Magleby's Fresh, we went home and Eric let me rent a chick flick. What an awesome day! 

decor, hike, random

a few recent decorating projects

 new vinyl saying I made up

 gearing up for football season
 and practicing sitting up ( for about 2 seconds at a time)
 our favorite hike

 and kate practicing photography.

the glorious 4th

we got up at 5:30 to go see the hot air balloons.
what a cutie!!

 and for the 3rd year in a row, we ended up staying for the parade. I guess we just can't resist!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

summer fun and family reunion

more summer happenings...
the girls are taking a sports class and one week they did golf, so of course we had to go miniature golfing...
 silly whit
 she got sick of holding the club correctly
 we had science camp and did lots of fun food experiments- here is dyeing celery and making a sugar crystal.
we went to the Hansen Family Reunion in Hiko, Nevada- the land of my forefathers!  I promised Eric he didn't have to go again, but he wanted to be with us and I love him so much for it!  The reunion is full of things that are unpleasant for him (HEAT, communal meals, chatting with random distant relatives) or awkward for him (family testimony meetings... :)) but he did have fun overall!
We swam in the hot springs... (thanks to Melissa the official family photographer for most of these pictures!)

 I got to see my Katrina- I miss having her close by!!

 love this cute pic by Melissa!
 the girls had lots of cousin time because Natalie came with my family!!  Yay!!
 Phillip brought a cool game called Cub.  
 Obviously Eric was up for a game.  and he won a few times!
 Everyone loved Owen, and he was so cute and smiley and loved them back. :)  Especially when a certain uncle gave him a bite of a root beer float... :)

 We got to see more of this little cutie- love her!  little Lydia.
 Owen put on a rolling show
 and tried to stay out of the sun
 I got to hang out with 5 of my siblings= awesome!  Weird that Melissa's not in any of these pics because she was taking them- I got to spend a lot of quality time with her and it was great!
 It was a wonderful weekend.
cute girl swinging
 Owen and uncle Derek having naptime
 Aunt Jenae doing what Aunts do best- hanging out with the nieces!
 and randomly last- Kate lost her second tooth last night while brushing her teeth!  It got stuck in the toothbrush!  woo-hoo.