Thursday, September 15, 2011


Thank goodness for preschool. Without my awesome friends who keep agreeing to do this with me, my girls and I would not survive. :) Whitney has been so excited about her one-morning-a week preschool for months. And now with Kate in school, it's so nice for Whitney to have her own little thing. She has already been more motivated to learn her letters and practice writing them since it started. She just was NOT interested before! But I've been happy to discover that she is a quick learner when she actually cares about learning, and that she DOES have the ability to focus on something academic for longer than 2 minutes at a time. So we're having fun.

So her first morning of preschool she woke me up 2 hours before it was time to go, wearing this exact outfit. Which she had picked out and laid out the night before with zero advice from me. :)
She looked so haphazardly cute! And she wanted her picture taken RIGHT AWAY. And that's how we ended up outside before eating breakfast, the sun barely up, taking this picture.
And this one. We love how huge her backpack is!!
Yay for little Whitney.


  1. Adorable! She always leaves me with a smile on my face. :)

  2. so cute! and i wish i had like-minded friends like you do. natalie needs the social stimulation more than anything else at this point. did you get our letters?

  3. She is so cute! Love her at my place:)

  4. Ok, she's SO CUTE.
    Also, I love the soccer post!
    See you soon?
