Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've forgotten to post about something important- my newest niece! And the girls' 3rd cousin! We were excited to go to her blessing a few weeks ago, because we haven't been able to attend the other cousins' blessings in California. She was beautiful and so was her mama (way to go Katrina!)and it was so sweet to hear her blessing by her awesome dad. I'm kind of attached to my siblings, and I am SO grateful that Katrina is nearby for the time being. While she was on her mission I had no siblings in Utah and it was sad. But since she's been back we've also had Donny for a semester, and in January Derek will be up here to spend the next 4 years or so! Wonderful. And now we have a cousin close by. Thanks Katrina- I know this isn't your first choice of a place to live, but I'm sure thrilled about it. :)

1 comment:

  1. i know how you feel! i'm so glad you got to go and represent the siblings =o]
