Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Maris learns a lot of new things!

One of the first fun things for Maris this year was Owen's amazing Harry Potter birthday party.  She got to dress up and help with Diagon Alley, it was a fun time.

Maris also did great in ice skating class.

And had great fun swimming, rock climbing, and playing with Craven cousins when we had our little St. George vacation in February.

Maris and Ryder!

Donny and Christine and their girls came for Owen's baptism!  It was so fun, and Maris and Emma just LOVE these girly cousins!

Maris is pretty happy that she will be the next one to get baptized.
Fun times at Thanksgiving Point Museums before they shut down!
And in February Maris decided to let me cut her hair! It was just long and scraggly.

It looked so nice afterward, and has been great to take care of since!
Maris went to half of the dress rehearsal of katleyn's play and loved it, so we let her come to the real thing and she did great.  
One day in early spring Maris and Owen decided to play soccer.  Before we knew their spring soccer was going to get cancelled :(.  Also super cute, Maris dressed up as MOM for superhero day, wearing running clothes haha.

And then Coronavirus took over our lives!!
We spent the next 6 weeks exclusively at home, minus 3-4 shopping trips for me and at least weekly outdoor activities to keep us from going insane.
Here's the girls doing a fun Come Follow Me activity.

Spa/Many Braids day!  and Topaz Mountain.

Play dough masters competition.

And super exciting- Maris learned how to ride her bike!  If school had been normal she probably wouldn't have learned until summer, but since we had extra time on our hands, she and Eric made it happen!  I think they even practiced on a few of his lunch breaks since he was working from home!
Our last snowstorm in late March I think?  So we did snow painting.
Enjoying Grandma's hot tub, and Chopped- she was on Katelyn's team.

striking a cute pose on our hike that ended up going through snow.
practicing writing for school!! School went well for her.  She kept improving in her reading and got to do a lot of fun enrichment things. 
and here she is with her duplo creation for another Come Follow Me lesson.

Easter!  Maris hugging her new baby yoda shirt, and showing off her eggs.

excited about candy, and painting eggs.
My little kindergarten graduate!  I was sad she got gypped out of 1/4 of her kindergarten year with her sweet teacher and half day schedule.  But finishing kindergarten at home was fun too.
Her new perky haircut matches her little perky self perfectly.

She also finished her first year of Let's Play Music virtually and did a little recital for us. :)

Her drive-by kindergarten graduation was adorable!! THey had decorated with all these posters, signs and balloons.  
She got to give her teacher flowers and get a little packet of prizes and she was really happy and felt special.  AND she wore the same dress Katelyn and Whitney wore for Kindergarten so cute and a blast from the past.
Maris' playground that she created for our lego masters competition, and playing at a park for the first time after they were closed for 6 weeks.
Maris and Owen hatching up some game to play together.  So cute.

Date with mom- got treats and went on a bike ride!  and our Glow Stick dance party was a blast!

First trip to the pond at the end of May, and Maris learned how to really paddle the kayak well--and we couldn't get her to come off for 45 minutes!  She was lovin it!  And playing in the sand of course.

Maris wanted a picture with these irons at her ancestor's cabin.  Cool place.

The second time we went to the pond, the kids discovered the 4 of them could all go out on the paddleboard at the same time, and they had SO much fun out there for an hour!  jumping off all at the same time and then trying to all climb back on, it was hilarious and looked so fun.

And that's the first half of Maris' year, the last part of her being 5!  I can't believe she is so grown up but I'm so proud of all she has learned this year.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so old with her haircut!!!! And i love her hands when shes showing something in pictures hahaha
