Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Fall Camping Trip

Okay first I have to add these pics I finally found from my last post.  We went to a BYU women's soccer game and it was freezing but awesome.  They were super good this year, undefeated in the regular season, then went on to the sweet 16 or elite 8 in the ncaa tournament, I can't remember which.  We went with a few girls from Whitney's team= Layla, Camille, and Rylee.

I finally got a pic of my kids with Cosmo!!  Owen used to be obsessed!  Emma wouldn't get in the pic and Cosmo mimed being heartbroken, it was hilarious.

And on to the camping trip.  We had been dying to go to Goblin Valley, it had been like 4 years!  So even though it was October and I had to pull the kids out of school so we could go on a day we could get the best campsite, we did it!  I couldn't believe Eric agreed to it actually, since we had already been camping twice this year.  But I guess for Goblin Valley he was willing to do it!

Day 1 we spent a hour trying to find a hike we wanted to go on, only to find it was super easy, just a few miles further up the road.  Darn crazy man who gave us bad directions!
So that was frustrating but it turned out okay, we just did that hike on Day 2!  It was Little Wild Horse Canyon, and it's like an 8 mile loop.  We went in the first 2.2 miles and back out the same way, and it was awesome!!  Slot canyons for miles!! The kids LOVED it and Emma even walked a lot of the way.

This was an amazing old tree on the way into the slots.
So fun to span the gaps.
I am positive that Maris and Owen covered twice the miles of the rest of us did, because they kept zigzagging to climb on every rock and hole and wall.  Kid paradise.
Each in their little nook!

The walls got steeper!  It wasn't quite The Narrows in Zion, but still awesome.

And now we have mostly Goblin Valley and a few Little Wild Horse pics mixed in!
My little birds in a nest!

around the campfire:
back to Little Wild Horse, there a were a few fun scramble-under-rocks spots.

Whitney by a giant wall!

I just LOVE the slots that go back and forth like this, they remind me of waves, which is fitting because they were sculpted by water!

Emma was beyond cute, she had just learned to smile so adorably for pictures.  She thoroughly enjoyed her first trip to GV!

She kept finding rocks that she "loved" and naming them.  I think this one was a frog?
It was an awesome 5th trip to the Valley of the Goblins.

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