Thursday, September 5, 2019

Owen at Seven

This post will include Owen's 7th birthday party,
6th lost tooth, 
3 different sports he played,
2 big trips we went on, 
and his 1st time getting stitches!  
First sport: his first time trying basketball!  He liked it. He's especially good at defense.

Seventh Birthday!  He wanted a Star Wars Party!
We had fun decor and the kids all dressed up in Star Wars costumes since we had just been that for Halloween!

He wanted a Death Star cake, and then I made cupcakes of different Star Wars planets, it was really fun to do :)

The kids made 2 kinds of slime: Galaxy Slime and Cloud slime

We had a treasure hunt/test your star wars knowledge! One of the clues was hidden ON Owen, it was the best!! I had slipped it into his pocket before I handed him some jeans to put on that morning haha

And of course, a Star Wars-themed obstacle course.  With an X-wing!!

and beanbag throwing into R2D2

A light saber fight with Darth Vader (Whitney was awesome!)
crawling through Yoda's hut, and saving characters from the Hoth Ice World.  pretty great.
Cute Owen.
and his cute friends.
opening presents.

And here's the presents from the morning of his birthday.

The Lego Platform 9 3/4 train set from Grandma!

Owen enjoyed ice skating lessons again this year, and was so cute skating with Maris during free skate!
The poor boy slipped (or was pushed) on the playground at school and fell and cut his chin on the metal walkway and had to get stitches.  The worst part was that my phone ringer was off so I didn't notice the office calling me and they finally called Eric and he went to rescue him!  I felt so bad he was just sitting in the office holding a paper towel on his chin!
He ended up with 7 stitches because it was a U-shaped cut.
For Christmas I gave Owen a gift card to Jump on It and so did Katrina!  Owen loves that place!

He used his extra gift card to buy time in the climbing area with auto-belays.  Very cool.

5 years of Owen there in the middle!
haircut Owen! With Legos in his hand as usual haha
Owen playing tough!  He had fun playing Junior Shooters in the Spring.

Owen's Easter Eggs, including a tiger in the middle!  (His favorite Animal)
Easter pics!
Easter egg hunt before school! Since we did it a few days early before going to Jenae's wedding.

We drive to CA with Uncle Jonathan, and had many adventures, including stopping in McFarland to take a picture by the high school sign. We love that movie!
Owen being brave with Jenae's dog Lady.
A boy surrounded by yellow.

Cute boys cousins pic
Silly boy cousins pic!
Sweet Owen and Jenna singing together at the wedding dinner!
and playing in the same fields I played in as a child. :) :) April in California is so beautiful!!
playing a game at the school.
and exploring at the lake with Seth. :)
Owen had a lot of fun in Rococo.  He's in the middle in both these pictures.

Such a good big brother!  At the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.
And the Vernal Temple.

A couple of extras of Owen in Florida: on the right, catching bubbles during the Nemo show.
He had tons of fun with Cleo!!
Looking at the trains in Epcot, he loved that place!
The Dual Immersion Spanish Program was adorable!! He;s in the back with the hat on.
On the end in the second row .
Memorial Day at his great-great grandparents' grave.  It was really cool to go there with Grandma, since these were her grandparents and she could tell us about them.
This was awesome.  We went to Pizza Pie Cafe while Eric and Katelyn were at Girls Camp. Owen had a loose tooth and suddenly he was like oh no!  I just swallowed my tooth!  He was eating pizza and it came out and it was gone before he knew it haha.  Great way to lose a tooth.
And lastly, Owen played coach pitch baseball this Spring.  he liked it.
He looked so cute waiting for the ball.
And how gorgeous are those mountains??? We had a wet spring so there was still snow up there into July.
Nice hit Owen!
Owen did excellent in first grade.  He learned a little Spanish and had a fun year.  His English teacher was very creative and fun.
Owen loves schedules and plans.  He is always asking 'what are we doing today?" and figuring out the time it takes between one thing and the next.  He is building constantly with whatever medium he can get his hands on.  He can ride his bike for miles without getting tired.  And we are so proud of him; he decided at the beginning of the summer that he wanted to read the whole book of Mormon before he gets baptized next February 3rd.  He had already been reading a little; every time he wanted to get on his tablet he had to do scriptures first.  So he was already in 2nd Nephi.  I helped him figure out how many pages a day it would take to finish and he has been faithfully reading every night since!  With no reminders from me at all.  He is just self-motivated to do it and it is such a joy for me to watch.


  1. 1. Owen looks so much like Katelyn to me in these photos!
    2. I'm excited to see you all at Thanksgiving because I feel like all your kids are so mature now, it's wild! A year and a half is a long time for kids. I know I saw them at the wedding but I was an evil grumpy tired version of myself so I hardly count it Haha
    Owen's personality seems like an awesome mix between you and Eric
    3. He is so beautiful
    (Owen. Lol Eric is too but I meant owen. Just so handsome and grown n up)
    4. Yoda's hut made me smile. Love it. You are the birthday party queen!!!

  2. Also ew the tooth!!!! Gag!! So gross lol that was always a fear of mine as a kid, I didn't think it was possible!! Bleehhhhhh so freaky.
