Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Day 6 and 7: Madera time!!

Our last stop was for 2 days in Madera.  It was PERFECT.  The kids got to sleep at my parents' house, play with all their toys, and just BE in the house I grew up in.  They got to hang out with Grammy and Grandpa Jamie, and bonus, with BOTH sets of my grandparents!  It was pretty chill.  We played on the trampoline/with the dog outside a couple of times when the rain stopped for a little while.  We picked delicious oranges/grapefruit and both days Eric went and got lunch from our favorite Mexican food place up the road haha.  The first day we went to visit my mom at her library during her lunch.  The kids loved getting to check out books. :)  Then we went to Chowchilla to see my Hansen grandparents.  It was awesome.  Eric helped my grandparents fix their TV, and my grandpa played the harmonica for us.
They also came back to my parents' house with us for dinner and more visiting, it was perfect.
Also that night my Wallwork grandparents came, and stayed the next day too.  One of my favorite parts of that was this hour-long conversation Eric had with my grandad!  Eric got out his drone to show him, and they spent the next hour talking about it and other engineering topics.  SO cute, my Grandad is so much fun and Eric is the best. :)
The next day we went out to the farm!  I had hoped to get the kids to do some service there, but it rained the whole time and was all muddy, so we settled for exploring Grandpa Jamie's shed and taking turns going on Tractor and Gator rides. :)

Owen definitely loved it all the most!!
Well, my dad probably liked it a lot too. :)

By the end of the second day, there was more water in the yard than I can ever remember seeing!!

It was crazy, we went and parked at the neighbor's!
It was SO cute to see my kids playing with my grandparents. 

And we had a birthday dinner for Grandmom, then she and my Dad were working on a puzzle and Owen wanted to help.  He ended up having a WAY longer attention span for it than I thought he would, and he was actually pretty good at it!  So cute.
I stayed up late talking to my parents and grandparents the night before we left, and this is me when I went in to get ready for bed.  I was happy to be home, happy about the whole trip, and content and prepared to make the return trip.  So I took a picture of me with my big belly haha.
One last picture before we left to come home!
And last but not least, this random landmark on I-15 near Primm/Jean Nevada is almost EXACTLY halfway, mileage-wise between our house in Salem and my parents' house in Madera.  FYI.
We actually had the SMOOTHEST trip home we have EVER had... it was amazing!  The kids were great, we made great time.... I had tried to be super prepared with fun stuff to do, and they were used to travelling after the last week of it, and Eric had downloaded some shows on his tablet so several times Whitney sat in the back with owen and Kate to watch.But wow it still felt like a blessing.  And I wasn't too uncomfortable in my bigness. Yay!!

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