Sunday, January 3, 2016

Random December

 Maris with a classic messy Spaghetti face!!  My only child who currently eats spaghetti sauce!
 Maris's first time putting on her own shoe!!  Cutie.
 I made my goal!!  I actually made it down to 128.6 by the time I stopped counting calories.  14 pounds lost, in 13 weeks, woo-hoo!!  I am so grateful that I was able to do that.  My Fitness Pal app is awesome.  And I rocked it with willpower and daily exercise.  I feel so great and my clothes fit so beautifully!!  So happy to be back to pre-pregnancy size.
 Owen and I were watching some special features on our Arthur Christmas DVD, and he saw this random guy and was like "hey!  that looks like one of the apostles!  that looks like..... Elder Rasband!"  and it does a little, the squinty eyes and bald head, but I was amazed!  Great job Owen, I couldn't believe he even knew Elder Rasband's name, he's a brand new apostle!  So cute.  But Owen was really paying attention at Conference when the new apostles were called, because he had been pretty concerned when the 3 recent ones died.  
 I'm doing separate Christmas posts, but these were some of the acts of kindness done for our straw in the manger family Christmas tradition!  Maris's bed by Katelyn and Eric's stuff organized by Whitney.  So cute!  And it was cute to see the kids really think of things on their own this year, and deal with getting a person that it was hard for them to be nice to.  It brought many happy feelings to our home and I loved it.
 Maris's cool highlighted-looking hair!  :)
 Sidewalk chalk on a cold day with Owen and Maris, and Maris LOVES this bunny hat the girls brought her from Japan!  She says "bummy" it's so awesome.
 Having a librarian for a mom is the best!  She gave us some great Christmas books this year!
 Facebook for this one:
Classic mom moment. Kate comes home yesterday needing to make a Native American shoebox diorama....due TODAY. She's known about it for a MONTH. And that's how we spent the rest of our day. 😁 oh and Samuel the Lamanite is now Navajo. ‪#‎notaprocrastinator‬ ‪#‎justaspacecadet‬‪#‎mykatierose‬ ‪#‎navajohogan‬

 another hat Maris wouldn't take off.

 sunrise run!  so glad Katrina is running a half with me in February, it has made this December my best running December ever!  I usually don't train much!
 Lego tower contest- 2 minutes to build something creative!  Did this while Whit and Eric went to see Star Wars- Whit took my ticket because I had to stay home with sick Kate!

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