Sunday, March 15, 2015

february fun

February was a big month for Maris!  She got her first two teeth, we determined that her hair is long enough for tiny pigtails, and she learned how to crawl!!!
Here's what I put on facebook with a crawling video:
She pretty much skipped rolling and scooting, completely bypassed army crawling, and sat and played contentedly for 2 months until she felt like crawling for real. smile emoticon Watch out world, she is on the move!
There was that one time that I did 12 loads of laundry, yes twelve.  (and I don't even do Eric or Katelyn's laundry, thank goodness!) I hadn't done it in two weeks, so it was pretty worth it.  And I listened to an entire conference session while folding/sorting by child. ( I fold/hang mine, and just toss the kids' into baskets.)
Katelyn finally read a book I had tried to get her to read a year ago, and loved it!  and devoured the rest of the 5-book series in a week. (Gregor the Overlander-- The Overland Chronicles) It made me happy that she liked my recommendation. 
Owen drew this adorable little picture, and many others.  My pediatrician says a 3-year old should be able to draw a person with 3 body parts, and a 4-year old a person with 5 body parts... so he's doing great!!  Also he is into drawing grids, which to me means he is going to be an engineer like his dad. :) 
Maris is enjoying the sunshine... well we all are!
and she likes parks more now that she can crawl! 
Another facebook post:
Katelyn won the school essay contest for K-3 grade on the topic "My Favorite Author". She wrote about J. K. Rowling, and it was super cute! She wrote great examples from the books to support her reasons for liking her, and even did some research on JK Rowling. We are very proud! She may never win a race or score a goal in competition, but I'm glad she has something she excels at. smile emoticon
 here she is with her prize of a free book from the book fair.

I have been trying to run 5-6 miles on Saturdays, and here's my facebook post:
No wonder it felt like I was running in spikes today.... I kinda was!  ‪#‎countryroads‬
There were over 50 goatheads in my shoes!
Katrina had her baby!  So cute, they named her Hazel, and I got to go down and help her for a day because Mom was sick and couldn't come yet!  I was so glad to go, Katrina totally saved me after I had Owen, and I love her and am so impressed that she's having her kids so close together because she knows that's the right thing for them to do.  I wish I could do more to help!  And I'm so mad I forgot to take a picture of Hazel while I was there. :(  But I got to take Lydia and Ryder out for a couple of hours and it was super fun!  We went to get me an oil change, to the grocery store, and to 2 parks and had a picnic lunch!  It was crazy getting them all in and out of the car, but really fun.
One more facebook post:
At the grocery store with these cuties, getting lots of stares! They could almost all be mine, but Lydia and Owen are only 8 months apart smile emoticon and I'm not that crazy!!

Owen and Ryder are 16 months apart, and Ryder and Maris are about 12 months apart. I'm so happy my younger kids have lots of cousins their age!  Owen had a blast with these two.
Trying to get close-ups of Maris' pretty hazel-gray eyes!

Maris has been very interested in trying to use a brush, it's so cute.  If I help her brush her sister's hair and say "brush, brush, brush" she gets a big smile!
And also, one day we had some cranes (I think) in the field behind our house, I'm sure they came to our pond and then wandered over.   They were huge!  We watched them for over an hour, walking around and eating, and one time they did this really cool hopping dance thing, like one would do some moves and the other would copy, then they would do them at the same time mirroring each other, it was just like a nature show!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. MARIS IS SO CUTE. She looks so much like Katelyn to me. And way to go, Owen!!
