Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Here are some other tidbits from the last couple of weeks.

Owen finally consented to wear this adorable sweater he got for Christmas and he looked ridiculously handsome, I had to get a picture!

 Then some pictures of my huge baby- she's as big as a watermelon!  My books all say she's like 4 1/2 pounds by now, but since my babies are bigger than average she's probably already like 6 pounds haha!  6 and a half weeks left, 6 and a half weeks left, I can make it, I can make it!
Here's the side view, and this was like 3 weeks ago when I was 31 weeks, so I'm bigger now!  I'm seriously as big as I was when I delivered Katelyn, *sigh*, but it's okay.  This is my 4th child, I am just so happy to have made it this far, so happy to have healthy strong babies, and happy that I have the exercise/healthy eating knowledge I need to be able to get skinny again eventually. :)
 Other feelings about this baby right now: I am SO excited to have another girl, I can't wait to hold her and watch my other kids with her.  I can't wait to pick a NAME for her- we are still working on that one and it's killing me!  The top names we've discussed are Maris, Emily, and Emma, and Eric likes Audrey and Abigail and I like Annie(Anna) and of course my old favorites that Eric refuses- Callie or Hallie.  Nothing is jumping out at us yet though as the PERFECT name, so we'll see!

Our (hopefully) last snowstorm produced perfect snowman-making snow, and Whitney made her first snowman with Zero help from me!  then she put some grassy hair on and said it was her twin--hilarious!
 And then there was this- a source of much laughter for me!  Whitney put this sign on Owen's door. These are the worst insults she could think of lol. It says "you fouling heroshie (pretty sure she meant ferocious) beast with your booty on your face. What a naughty boy you are." Hahaha. He was playing with one of her toys and she ripped it out of his hands instead of asking nicely, so I made her give it back. Life is hard with such a mean mom and horrible brother :)
Katelyn later replaced it with a sign about how cute and sweet Owen is. :)
But don't worry, Whitney writes nice things too- she made Eric the most adorable book and left it on his pillow when we went to St. George without him for a couple of days.  It was all about the reasons she loves him, complete with cute pictures.  

Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Whitney that grandma thinks her snowman is AWESOME!! She is very creative. And of course Owen is so cute and photogenic!! Can't wait to see all of you in about a month. :)
