Saturday, January 11, 2014


So this is post is going to look hilarious!  As my pregnancy moves forward and I'm finally not feeling sick (YIPPEEEE!) and I've finally felt the baby moving (I felt Owen as early as 16 weeks but my doctor said my placenta is in the front this time so I won't feel the baby as much until she's bigger... that's right we found out it's a GIRL but that's a different post!)  I've been thinking about what this baby will look like.  There's always the question of hair color, now that we've proven we can actually have a blond child.  But my real question is eyes.  Eric and I both have hazel eyes, but all three of our kids have big beautiful dark brown eyes.  So I was wondering if brown eyes were the majority among our siblings... which led to my bizarre request of my siblings, on facebook, to give me a picture of their eye so I could compare them.  I have the best family ever, or I should say the family the least fazed by bizarre requests ever!  (I totally would have asked Eric's siblings but figured they would think I was a little crazy!! Plus I'm pretty sure Ryan and Kurtis are brown and Elizabeth has gorgeous greenish eyes.)  So here are all the pictures I collected:

Starting with Jenae, the only cool one who got blue eyes from Dad!
Allison, who I didn't know has the least brown besides Jenae!

My eye!
 Then the 3 boys:

 Katrina's very cool eye

 And Melissa who is the most brown!
 My mom, where we obviously got our green, but hers are more green than most of ours!
 Katrina's kids, Ryder and Lydia
 and the best I could get of Owen, who wanted to squint
 Whitney, whose eyes are basically the same color as Katelyn's
In light of all the hazel evidence, I give you the verdict:
 I'm holding out hope for a hazel-eyed child. :)

1 comment:

  1. These eye pictures are great. When retina scans come around, I'll be able to steal all your family's identities..haha ;)
