Tuesday, January 11, 2011

sharing a room!

We are now the proud owners of BUNK BEDS!!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Murray!

The girls have wanted these for a while, and Eric and I decided it was time for them to start sharing a room.
We are NOT pregnant right now though!
I just wanted to put them together before they started thinking they DESERVED their own rooms or something. And so far it's been GREAT! I keep waiting for the excitement and new-ness to wear off, and for them to realize that they got gypped out of their own rooms.... but we have actually had LESS fighting this week than we did before (no more "get out of my room!") and Whitney has actually been sleeping BETTER (she has only come into our room once out of the last 8 nights- before it was like half the time) and we made Whitney's old room into our "library", it's perfect!
They have stayed up a few times talking, but honestly that's the best part about having a sister, isn't it?? So I'm really happy they can now enjoy giggling at night together.
We love the new bunkbeds and this new phase of Katelyn and Whitney's lives :)


  1. "I'm not pregnant." Yeah, I've heard that one before ;)

    No, really, that's awesome that you've got bunk beds. Glad the girls like them!

  2. this is so cool!! way to be with the room sharing. maybe someday i will have two children old enough and of the same gender to follow you example! =o]

    oh and in the first picture whitney looks like katelyn for like the first time that i have ever seen. i mean, you can tell they are sisters, but they are just so different. anyway, have fun enjoying the giggles =o]

  3. How fun! I remember having bunk beds and sharing a room with my brother for awhile and we loved it. There is something about bunk beds that is just so fun for kids!

  4. so cute! ahaha katelyn and her pregnancy stories....hahahaha but thats so much fun! :)

  5. awesome beds!! sharing a room is very important to sisterhood :)

  6. Yeah! Those beds are really pretty. I love having kids share a room, so nice. I'm glad you've had less fighting!
